A little soul tidy.


So over the last week I've been thinking a little about the soul and why people seem to have a little trouble understanding it's connection to past or alternate incarnations. The truth is that we often think of the soul as a singular entity when it's actually more like a giant tapestry. It's interconnected-ness has no boundary, at least not in a sense that we can understand. Your soul is still everything that you are but it's also a part of something much bigger. In relationship to other lifetimes the reason we have a little trouble digesting it is because we think of time as sequential when it's actually one giant experience. Everything you are, everything you ever will be and all the expressions of that infinite potential are a part of your soul. Every lifetime you've ever experienced is with you and nothing is lost. The more I delved into the healing aspect of my practice and the more my skill began to develop as a medical intuitive I began to see that healing required me to know about other lifetimes in order to create balance.



I used to think that “past life” experiences were a wonderful but ultimately unneccessary part of spiritual growth. I put it down to something that was just “interesting” to know about. It wasn't until I was doing a healing on a client when I asked my guides to bring me to the energetic root of her illness and I was thrown into an experience that did not belong to our current time frame. It was weird for me to watch someone laying on my table begin to carry the energy signiture of someone in a completely different life experience but here's the thing, lives bleed into each other all the time. Life requires balance so it seeks it out whenever necessary. Sometimes illness, dis ease has it's energetic roots elsewhere in your spirit and that imbalance is seeking healing through it's nearest available source which sometimes is the opportunity your have in your current life time. The soul, like everything else has it's own form of immune system, it's own capacity to course correct. When something hurts the other parts of who you are mobalise.



Sometimes the “Cross over” is less to do with healing and sometimes to do with love. I've seen spirits share multiple lives together, I've seen hobbies and interests cross from one experience to the next. I've also seen insight and transcendance move through people lives in complete synchronicity. I've also seen people re make the same mistake just to have the opportunity to self correct. It's fascinating and I know as much as I have been diving into it that I am only scratching the surface. Your soul is all over you life. It is not just a wisp of light at your centre. It is everywhere at all times and in all spaces. I think the more we recognise that, the more we see that the things that ignite impulses within us are there to drive us, the less we are driven to understand but to merely acknowledge that there is an interconnected energy that we are not just a part of but is actually the essence of who we are the gentler, kinder and more loving we can be.



Thank you,



Big Love,



Ryan James x

