A whole day.


You have a whole day. A whole sunrise to sunset where you can choose to behave in any way you like. This day could be the turning point for the rest of your life. We've all had those days where in hindsight we can point to and see that they were the catalysts for the lives we are living now. Sometimes we look at those points as giant mistakes but I only think that something is a mistake until it becomes a lesson. If you havent' learned from your journey then that's the real mistake. Think back to a time when you made a decision that enriched your life. Think back to a time when you decided to return to education, start a business from home, open your heart out to someone new, be vulnerable, visit somewhere you've always wanted to go. It's those moments that have always interested me because so often they begin as small curiosities that then blossom into huge life shifts. Imagine what could happen if we not only actively cultivated these moments but pursued them? If I had never made the decision to harness what was happening with me spiritually, practice my music, if I had never made the decision to follow my interest in art, writing, poetry, I have no idea the kind of person I would be today. I don't think I'd be as happy, I don't think I'd be as purpose-filled and I don't think I'd have attracted someone like Stu into my life.



Sometimes turning points are every bit like the movies. The clouds part, a deep sense of knowing washes over you and your inner voice booms through. I've had those moments, I've also had the benefit of slowly cultivating a life built out of jig saw pieces. One is not necessarily better than the other and to be honest the booming voice moments tend to come when your life really implodes so I've found it's better to follow breadcrumbs than to burn down houses! On this day, after reading this, what breadcrumbs are you going to follow? What interests you? Don't think about the whole picture and tapestry of your life. What can you do today that is a small step towards honouring what fascinates you? What can you do to really have fun ticking your own fancy? If you're thinking about education why not order or browse a university prospectus? What could it hurt? Go on a date? Look up a course in something creative? Start taking more walks? What is present in your life today that is a breadcrumb to a deeper more actualised part of your journey? There's always something. Always.



The more you look for the more you will see, that's just how the Universe works. Spiritual law has yet to change and yet I still see a few people hoping that their lives will be the exception. If you want things to be different you have to be willing to be different. Be the person who is brave enough to follow their heart. Be the person willing and teachable enough to step into something that makes them laugh from the belly. You are meant to enjoy your life. You are meant to sit with your energy and recognise it's deliciousness. Yesterday I sat writing watching out over the sea, just as I'm doing right now and just allowed myself to be present, meditative and connected. It's so easy to check out emotionally and spiritually and I've seen it happen too many times in my practice. Where people just quit at their own lives. The path to reawakening is not sticking on a back pack and trundling off to india for 6 months in an Eat, Pray, Love-esque journey. It's choosing to see and honour the million little things that make up your day. You have a whole day. A WHOLE day. It owes you nothing. What are you going to contribute to it?



Thank you,



Big Love,



Ryan James x




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