And they're back!


 Well the silence lasted a whole 24 and a bit hours. 3 o clock last night I woke up to a familiar chattering in my head. Look, I know how weird this sounds. Most people would be grateful if the voices in their heads shut up but to be honest it just made me nervous. I'm a little curious about what will develop from this “reboot” and I have a small idea. Before I managed to go back to sleep last night I asked for a dream to help me get some direction or understanding in how this new energy was about to play out. Then this morning I dreampt that I was doing “stage” work. I was in front of a lot of people giving out messages and helping people connect. I was doing what I normally do but this time in front of a lot of people. Now, for those of you who have been following my career from day one you'll know that I did stage work when I was young and I didn't like it one bit. I think maybe that was because it was sold to me as a sort of performance and it felt disingenious. Besides half of the things I wanted to chat about most people would never admit in front of a whole bunch of people. Back then I was also very approval based and that manifested a whole bunch of horrible treatment by people. I think maybe the experience as a whole skewed my view on the whole thing. Either way I think I am going to find me a local spiritualst church and at the very least follow the sign from my dreams. I may not end up doing stage work but there must be something there that I need to look at.



Being guided and trusting that guidance is an on going process. When you get called to a deeper more impactful version of yourself it requires a deeper commitment. You can't just pray and hope that it shows up, you have to become part of the prayer itself which means going through whatever change you need to go through to become the person ready of holding what you are asking for. If you want success you have to learn to think and act like a successful person. If you want to experience love, the same thing applies. You have to change in order for what you are creating to rise to that level. I know that I have changed a little and I think that my readings will change as a result of that. I can't wait to see what else develops but I have to do exactly what I advise you lot to do in times of transition. Follow the breadcrumbs. All I know for myself right now is the next step so that's what I'm stepping into. It may take me somewhere where brand new it may just take me to a more comfortable version of where I am now. All I know is that I am willing to do what needs to be done so I can better serve the Universe and my community.



I am in the same boat as everyone else when it comes to developing and growing. Having access to spirit doesn't mean that I don't learn in the same way as everyone else. I just get a louder dialogue, or more recently, complete silence! If any of you are local and know any good spiritual centres then please pass the names my way I can't wait to see what's going to unfold. I want to get on this straight away and progress in a way that can help this new energy expand. For now I'm going to get a nice coffee and sit in the gentle chatter of my mind.



Thank you,



Big Love,



Ryan James x

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