Are you actively creating peace?


Well what I week it has been! I hope you've all behaved yourselves * looks at those of you with shifty eyes! *! I have had an eventful week off and for all the details go check out my latest vlog on the PsychicSwansea TV link to the right of this blog. Anyhoo, I'm back, healthy and man flu free! I didn't fight the sniffle because sometimes a cold is just your bodies way of dumping toxins, I also think it was a little “ascention flu” so, I just let it happen and it was over as quickly as it was going to be. Now, let's start this week shall we?! I put on my tv this morning and it turns out in the week I was laid up in bed the whole world went nuts! Well at least that's what it says in the media and let's be honest it lost a lot of credibility a long time ago. It's takes a critical eye to tease out the truth from between the lines and gritted teeth of the people hoping to divert our attention from what our hearts are calling us to. But we can't be stopped. A political movement for love has begun. Those of us who cultivate compassion and empathy know a fundamental truth about humankind, that each person has the right to live their lives as they see fit. Live and let live. It's not rocket science and for the most part if you let human beings do this we tend to just get on with it. Of course we fight and squabble but all movement away from integrity begins when you point to another human being and say the words, “You should...”.



Peace on earth is entirely possible. We already have the technology to grow plenty of food, extract clean drinkable water from sources we otherwise couldn't and we can perpetuate our entire culture on renewable energy. This is not something that we might be able to do one day, it's already here. The problem is, the money of the elite is still heavily invested in fossil fuels and our complete inability to challenge that effectively is holding us back. So, what can we do about it? We all want to live a peaceful life but it seems human beings will not allow peace predominantly into our culture until we have earned it. The first step is always to create peace within yourself. You need to walk into the world and to be able to recognise what is born of peace and what is a distraction from it. A perfect example is the American president. He is doing a perfect job of pulling to light the horrors of the political system. It is my belief that the entire thing has been too broken for too long and needs a complete overhaul. I also believe that about our own system. Like you I have watched people become more and more politically aware as peace rises within the spiritual community to counter balance what is happening in the world. We no longer have the choice to opt out of this conversation and that is the effect of peace.



We can dismantle and rebuild. Re work and mend. We have to be almost surgical in our application of our compassion to ensure that this system heals from the ground up. I've said many time that life is the action of balance and those of us with our ears to the ground and our hearts open have answered the call. Do your own internal work as vigilantly as you can. Craft and mould peace within your own life and then take that energy with you wherever you go. Help. Heal. Love. One of the biggest ways you can help is to be informed about what is happening. Attention to an issue isn't always attention to something negative. Spiritual people have often looked into the darkness and found the light. Avoiding the dark only allows it to grown and take root. Be willing to look at the uncomfortable. Be willing to stare into the chaos and confusion of the world right now and find the pockets of light wherever you can. Support the change. Create peace from the ground up. Who is you local councillor? Who is making the decisions about the area you live in? Create peace by finding out today. Write to them. Reach out to them. Let they know you are listening. Peace is possible. Create it.



Thank you,



Big Love,



Ryan James x


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