Are you ready for a revolution?


I sometimes look out at what's happening in the world and I recoil in horror. It's such a strange balance at the moment. We have never had access to this much opportunity and we simultaneously have never been so self destructive. We have countless inventions that help us access ecologically sound energy yet we still invest in fossil fuels. We have access to food that doesn't devastate the environment yet we eat beef. We have access to an internet that can help unite and entire planet yet we use it to sling insults and to become mindless. It's terrifying when you really think about it. Never underestimate the fury of human self interest. We don't seem to want to acknowledge a problem until it's on our doorstep. We don't seem to want to speak up for fear of hurting someone's feelings. We have become intellectual apologists. We tip toe around what we know to be true actively stunting ourselves and culture as a whole. I get why we do it, when you look out into the world and it looks ugly who would want to be a part of that? But now I think that it's gone past the point where we can allow that omission because a very real, very adult conversation that needs to happen.



Do not be afraid of stupid people. So many blur the lines between feelings and fact, opinion and truth and cruelty for honesty. You cannot argue with someone who is actively celebrating their own reverence for not learning and that's not what I'm encouraging. If you roll in the mud with people all that happens is that you both get dirty! It's time that those of us who have spent time actively cultivating love in our heart needs to allow that love to become active within our lives. We need to speak about it, share it on our platforms and use what we have to lift ourselves and invite other people on the journey. What if you were sent to the planet to create a space of pure light around yourself and to use that light to guide others to their own? What if you were sent here to leave your community in a better shape than when you found it? What if you were sent to the planet to be part of the spiritual tipping point that resurrected critical thinking, compassionate action and love actualised as a political force? We are more than capable of this but every external revolution begins with an internal one. We must find who we are and what we are made of before we step out into the world, before we open our mouths, before we react and contribute to the anxiety in the air.



In many ways we have to rely more on our instincts now than ever. We have to look past what's being “promoted” as truth and really dig our energetic heels in to find out what's happening in the world around us. We have to hold our governments accountable for their actions done in our name. Illegal wars, illegal drilling for oil in syria, unethical pharmacutical practice, animal cruelty, these are the tips of the ice berg that our government has it's hands in and yet we busy ourselves with mindless chatter. Well rehearsed arguments that ignite only a pain that we know how to manage. What if we made the choice that it was time for a major internal revolution? What if we made the choice to speak out every time we encountered injustice? What if we made the choice to get to know our neighbours? What if we made the choice to reach out and do what we can to better our community? We have built such a wonderful country with such a diverse and wonderful tapestry of human potential. We have never had this much access to knowledge and or resources. We have never been this empowered and powerful. Let's not bugger it up because we got afraid because we didn't know what to do with it. Begin your internal revolution today, make a difference.



Thank you,



Big Love,



Ryan James x




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