Building something new.


Start small. What is the one thing you could do today to improve the quality of the life that you are living? That's a question I ask myself regularly. When we start to look at the narrative of self development the whole industry explodes all over you. It's yoga, meditation, green tea, positive thinking, manifestation, mood boards, trips to Bali, writing your memoirs, morning pages and that's just stuff to consider before 10 am. It's a lot, and whilst it's O.K to pick and borrow and choose what you might want to try we need to consider the root of why we are doing these things in the first place. It's about creating right? It's about looking through the chaos of an every day life and seeing the love at the centre of it. It's about returning to your emotional and spiritual home. It's so easy to get caught up and just create a new “spiritually flavoured” type of chaos. If you've been in this community for a while we've all met people who do this. Running around with crystals attached to every appendage and going to every class under the sun but never actually creating peace. That's the root of my practice, to find the easiest route to peace.



I have built up quite a system over the years and from the outside looking in it looks like a lot. To be honest it shifts and changes but the root of it all remains steady. I find something that helps me achieve quiet, something that helps me feel grateful and something that helps me to express love. As long as those three pieces of the puzzle are present I feel a lot more grounded. With the house move recently it's been more of a challenge to get back into the routine I had and that's given me the opportunity to look at what in the routine is and isn't working. I have let the morning poetry writing slide but I am starting that again next week properly. I also havent done a lot of meditation this last week and I can feel it's absence. The one non negotiable of my morning is time with Stuart. I will forgo all my practices to make sure I spend time with him before he goes to work. Expression of love is mandatory for my well being so creating that space is part of the foundation block of my day.



So spend some time today not just thinking about what you can do to improve your day but actually try playing with some ideas. Why not sit there are doodle on your lunch break or do some colouring in as a meditation practice? Why not turn off your phone for 15 minutes and have a cup of tea in complete silence? These are all small little things that don't take up a lot of time and can really have an impact on your day to day experience. Also something small you can do to improve your life can be something as simple as aiming to be as gentle on yourself as you can be today. Aim to not beat yourself up as much. Aim to give yourself an unapologetic nap or a gift, or a little adventure somewhere new. A painting is nothing more than a collection of a thousand brush strokes but when they all add up you have a thing of beauty. Make a brush stroke today and create the masterpiece that is the life that's living you.



Thank you for reading,



Big Love,



Ryan James x


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