Calling your Angels.

Hello loves, 


So by now you all know that you have angels with you right? I have spent many years and many blogs trying to define what an angel actually is but to over simplify it, they are conscious beings intent on helping you lean towards the light in your own heart. They don't always exist in physical form, although I do believe they can influence and even pass through a part of our consciousness and translate themselves through our intuition, dreams and sometimes direct contact. I don't think we will ever adequately define what an angel is but they do exist, they are built out of love and they want to help us. 


Here's the trick. Free will is a real thing which is why Angels seem to do more for you when asked. Yes, it's as simple as that. When you ask an angel for help it is given immediately it's just that what tends to happen is that what's given isn't liked. We ask for help with love and our love problems temporarily get worse because they are showing you what's in the way. We ask for money and then we lose our jobs because they are keeping us at a certain financial ceiling. I know these are dramatic examples but be prepared for what you have to be improved by sometimes being deconstructed and remade. The old adage, “Be careful what you wish for” applies here. 


I pull angel cards for myself every morning. If you've sat in my living room you'll likely have seen them. I tune in, ask for guidance, light a candle with a cup of tea and get centered. If they have a message for me I usually hear it, when I don't they sometimes put it in the mouths of clients or the people in my life. I am careful what I ask for these days because I trust in what they can do. Of course, sometimes I get a “no” and that's ok too. With their oversight into my life sometimes a no becomes a “not right now” or maybe a flat out no because that path with lead me somewhere where I'll be out of integrity. Sometimes it's a “no” because what I've asked for is too small and sometimes it's a “no” because I'm asking for what I think I should want rather than what's on my heart. 


Either way, right here, right now as you read this your angels are with you. They are waiting and eager to help. Why not start or reboot your relationship with them by asking them about what to ask them? Why not call them around you with candles, some symbols of angels like cards or printed out images and just sit with their energy and align with it? I'm just here to remind you today, that you are not alone. You have spiritual beings we don't even have words for yet rooting for you and creating light at every opportunity. All they are waiting for is for you to ask. 


Big love, 


Ryan James x

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