Casting a net for love.


How can you learn to attract the love you want if you believe you've never felt it? How can you begin to become the essence of what you want if you're not even sure about what that is? These are the uncomfortable questions that often get over looked when we are co creating our lives. The truth is it's just not as simple as believe it, be it, attract it. It's the “co” part of co creating that our lovely human egos are a bit wary of and for all of it's peddlers it's not quite the easiest to market! Anyone looking at a spiritual path knows about karma/dharma/threefold or however you want to language the truth that what you generate within the framework of your own energy will be drawn to you. We do live in a like attracts like universe. BUT, and here's the but that we don't like, it's the WHOLE of who we are that is co creating including some of the agreements we made before we incarnated AND sometimes ( the bit that can be irritating ) it doesn't serve us to know what we agreed to before we came forward. Like I said, this part of the equation is less easy to market! The truth is it is up to you to generate a dream and then after that you have to surrender it to a higher power. The path to doing that is to do everything that you physically can on the mundane level and after that it's out of your hands. If the Universe catches it then awesome, if not, then it simply wasn't for you.



When it comes to creating love we do have a better shot at generating something wonderful because love is a state of being that we can all easily access. You only need a tiny energetic nugget of it to begin with to open a floodgate of it within your life. For me co creating the space of love has been the lens through which I try to look at my life on a daily basis. No matter what is going on around me when I start looking at it lovingly, with gratitude and in kindness then the truth of it all starts to make sense. Or at the very least I'm not in a space of pain over it. If you are looking to call the love of your life into your life or connect more deeply to the one that's with you then it starts with you. How loving are you? How kind are you? How many loving thoughts do you have about the people around you? How do you treat yourself? How many loving actions do you take toward yourself? Each week I organise my timetable to ensure I get as much done as I can but the first thing I put on my list for the week is to answer the question, “What is the most loving thing I can do for myself?”. Sometimes that's as simple as be aware of when I am being hard on myself, or to ensure I have time to invest in my hobbies. The next step is how I can be more loving to my fiance and that can be as simple as making sure that I am present and aware when he comes home from work to tell me about his day. Being more loving doesn't mean doing more but it does mean being more!



So if you want a relationship right now start thinking about the kind of partner you want to be. What kind of love do you bring to the table? What kind of relationship do you really want? Start to act within that capacity, create it within yourself first. Dream it. Laugh at it. Love it and when you're done let it go! The same applies if you are in a realtionship and you just want to freshen things up a bit. Think forst about the kind of feelings you want to generate between you and then embrace them yourself first. When you become the answer to your own question the Universe can't help but respond. It falls over itself to bring you what you want...mostly. Sometimes, if what you are asking for really isn't meant for you, or in the case of relationships it's usually that it might not be the right time. You might be ready but your soul mate might have a little way to go. In that case, love yourself anyway so that when they turn up you will recognise them more clearly! Stay grateful, stay meditative but most of all stay loving. It's the open door we are all looking for.



Thank you for reading,



Big Love,



Ryan James x



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