Choose your superpower.


Hello loves,



I haven't written a blog in a few weeks. I've just been taking the time to realign my energy and put myself back in sync. I've not been down or depressed or anything and I'm not depleted either but, I also have no desire to be in that state so I gave myself a few weeks off writing. I'm back to it now and am starting to feel a bit more energised. I've been doing a 100 day challenge all based in self care and appropriate routines recently which has helped me to keep a more watchful eye on how I treat myself. A big part of this current challenge has centred me around intuitive thinking and action whilst also holding myself to account through journalling. I do most of these things anyway but during a challenge like this I always try to stick more rigidly to the themes I have chosen. So, with self care at the top of the pyramid for this 100 days when I need time to look after myself I have to do it. There are times when self care slips away from us and we have to knuckle down to get a job done. I think this is fine so long as it doesn't become a way of life. Looking after the light that you are is a great set point for your life and creating habits that keep you turned in that direction will help you to feel more clear.



Habits are your superpower, choose them wisely. A study said that it takes 21 days for most human beings to create a new habit which is something that's never really worked for me. Anything I've done for 21 days has never stuck, for me it making it into a 100 day challenge not only creates the habit but also tests it against the rhythm of your life. We can all make room for a 21 day challenge or new habit but making it last for 3 months seems to hold it up against the lumps and bumps of your life. You will fall off the wagon, your self care routine, your intuition might need you to stop what you are doing for a while. There may be a very good reason for you not to be doing something right now. I've done writing challenges, music challenges, art ones too and the month long ones tend to be fun. Sometimes I've had great success, sometimes something has happened in my life which has knocked me off my routine and done it with a very good reason. Once done, I check in with myself and my intuition to see if it's O.K for me to start again.



We all have habits. The problem is that so many of us have habits that go directly against the things we are reaching for. Sometimes habits of thought are so focussed on work that we can't enjoy time off. Sometimes habits of eating, exercize, identifying with illness, chaos, we've gotten used to so much, so often that it goes unnoticed. Until we are ready for something better. Recognising you have a bad habit is actually a good thing because it's a sign that your energy has outgrown it. Now all you need to do is choose something better. Try your own 100 day challenge and choose something to do every day, an affirmation, a creative hobby, a meditation practice, a healthy eating plan. Try it out and see what helps you. You may not do it for a few days, you may drop in and out but the more you try to stick to it the more you are likely to sit there in 3 months time with a new addition to your lifestyle. Why not try a 100 day challenge based around positive thinking? Find the best part of your day and journal about it before bed. It's helped me a lot in the past and I return to it often. Your habits are shaping your life whether you want them to or not, so, as a gift to yourself, examine them and make them work for you!



Thank you for reading,



Big Love,



Ryan James x



#psychic #swansea #lawofattraction #habit #ryanjames #loa #cocreate 

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