Elevate your tribe.

 Well this one started without me even knowing. I was wondering why all of a sudden I was ridiculously anxious and analyzing everything to death and then I saw a tweet, did some research and rediscovered that yes, mercury retrograde is upon us. It started on the 12th sending communication do-lally and leaving all of us wondering why we are chasing our tails a little extra, especially us Virgos. Thankfully now that I know what's going on I can strap jasper, hematite and any other grounding stone I can get my hands on to me and work harder at my cardio and general fitness to tire my mind out enough to help me remain calm. Like I've said previously the good thing about a retrograde is that it is a Universal tidy up, it's a clear out of all the unnecessary bits and pieces that we hold on to both physically and energetically. So let's use this to our advantage, what needs to end in our lives? What needs to end on the planet? What needs to end in our tribes? Tribe is something that I really wanted to focus on today. With the media reporting on Neo Nazi's resurfacing and with bigoted vitriol being thrown around on social media I think it's past time for us to start sifting through firstly ourselves, to check if any of those narratives exist within us and then our tribes to weed out and heal those who need healing.



I read in some self help book that you become like the 5 people you most hang around with. If that is true then what does that say about you? Who are the people you share your most intimite self with? Take a good look at your tribe and ask yourself if this is who you want to be? I used to make room for all sorts of people in my life but the older I've gotten the more selective and fierce I've become about who I share my heart with. My tribe is small but I like it that way. I get to spend time with the people I love. Friendship needs to be watered, maintained. I used to chase people around for a long time until I realised that they weren't chasing me back. It needs to be equal, friendship needs to be a melting pot for upliftment of all involved. We've all had toxic friendships in our lives and the removal of them is vital if you want to grow. I think making time for coffee's, drinks, regular meet ups is essential not just to touch base but to really check in to see if the people in your heart are doing O.K. Also, how often do you sit down and think about ways to help your tribe? How can you be a catalyst for the evolution of those around you?



You have the capacity to bring light to every situation and with the amount of fear in the air at the moment start with your nearest and dearest. Think of ways that you can be of service to your chosen family. Think of who might benefit from your time, your guidance, your encouragement. How often do you champion the people around you? Personally I have a few artist friends and I'm even making more as I grow and I personally get a kick out of watching artists thrive so encouraging or helping where I can is something I do often. Also making time to sit with the people I love, even if it's 2 hours on skype because they live in a different city is enough sometimes to let the people I love know that I care about them. The most precious thing you have to give to people is your time so give it wisely and give it lovingly to those who choose to do the same for you. Right now on the planet we need our ducks in a row, we need love to become an active force for good so start with your own life, then the lives around you and hopefully, if enough of us do that we can generate loving action on a bigger scale.



Thank you for reading,



Big Love,



Ryan James x





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