Even when it's not good news.


It begins with an uncomfortable feeling in your gut. You can't sit still, you can't move right. The world loses it's colour a little bit. You can't taste food, you can't seem to think straight and no matter what you do you can't help but feel like you're a stranger walking through your own life. When people like me talk about listening to your intuition THIS is the kind of thing we mean. What you are being told isn't always good news. What you are being guided towards isn't always filled with lollipops and roses. When you ignore these insights, that's when you send yourself off course in this way. You may not end up with anything serious happening to you but the more you ignore what is in your heart the more gray and damp your life will become. There is an idea culturally that spirtuality and all the practices within are a sort of mish mash. A nonsensical collection of old ideas that have no place in a rational society. A collection of systems that are politely tolerated by popular culture. But those with a foot in this world know the opposite is true. Dedicating yourself to a spiritual life means that you seek out truth, you sift through your life looking for it's hidden gems and you are willing to deal with whatever turns up. It's not always pretty. It's not always fun. Living with love in your heart means carving courage out of wherever you are at the time.



Intuition is a small whisper in your ear. It's nothing more than a gentle breeze that washes over your life and gently tugs you in the direction that's best for you. When we inevitably ignore it, and let's be honest most of us do, albeit unknowingly sometimes, it can often be the tipping point to send your life into a cycle of chaos. In your gut, right now, there is a plan for your life that includes the happiest version of who you are. There is a plan that includes the most authentic version of yourself. That plan is calling you, right this minute to acknowledge it and move with it through the world. I believe in intelligent design, that nothing is by accident. I also believe that we are living a collaborative experience, everything is happening at once and that to total of who you are is working with you and for you at any given moment. All it asks is that you listen. So with that in mind, what has your intuition got to say to you today? Where do you need to be? Who do you need to see? Who needs a little bit of your light?



Like I said sometimes the messages you get from your intuition aren't always great. At points in my life my intuition has told me to avoid the people that were in my heart. To leave a lover. To distance myself from certain members of my family. To not help when someone is in crisis. Such of what I have had to do has felt counter intuitive at the time because I was habitualized into a routine of people pleasing. Of being “nice” ( read : door mat ). So taking back your power, your energy, your capacity to authentically choose can be a tricky process, especially if you are used to giving it away. Remember that even though the process might be messy the results are completely worth it. Even today I get people who try for my energy. Our culture says that it's O.K to point the finger and stamp your foot to demand what you feel you ought to have without thinking about getting it for yourself. When those energies brush up against mine you can almost read the shock in their faces that I don't give what is asked. I just can't invest in that energy contract. My love is mine, what overflows is meant for you. This is the place where your intuition will be your saving grace. Listen to it. Make room for it. Don't dig yourself into a hole before you start at least trying to listen. Remember that the whole Universe is working FOR you, you just have to let it in.



Thank you for reading.



Big Love,



Ryan James x





P.S. Read this far? Then why not continue the conversation below? When has intuition helped you? How do you access yours? Share your own insights!  

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