Finding new alters.


I crawl out of bed, give my boyfriend a kiss and start my routine. Breakfast, meditations, affirmations and all the things that need to get done to prepare myself for the day. Then of course as soon as it's done I give myself a little mindless time on social media. I know that it get's a bad reputation these days but then let's be honest all we ever seem to hear about is the dark side of what's going on at the moment. Personally, I love social media. I love connecting to new people and re connecting with those who I thought were gone from my life forever. For those who are my age and older we grew up without it so we do have a different perspective on the whole thing. We tend to be more cautious about what we put out there and we also understand that it is a public platform. When I see some of the younger kids today I do worry that because of the way social media is intrinsic to our culture that they aren't learning about things like privacy ( people my age also understand the irony of a “private” online profile ) without which they have no access to dignity and integrity. Social media can be a wonderful platform to create real meaningful connection or, it can be a reactive, cyclical regurgitation of opinions acting as if they are facts. I also think that there can be a spiritual component to social media. It is after all a platform in your life but, what would happen if you started treating that platform like an alter?



The Universe around you reacts to the energy you cultivate within yourself. The words you speak, the thoughts you think, the feelings you generate and react to all have weight in our Universe. So take a good look at your socail media right now and use it as an indicator as to what energy you are putting out there. I see a lot of mindless chatter, I see a lot of hate masquerading as things like satire. I also see clearly constructed ideas that are disingenuously designed to create a mask. There's a lot of half truths out there that really aren't fooling anyone. How much of that are you perpetuating? Imagine God herself was listening to what you put up on your page. What would you share on there? If social media were treated as a contribution to the world what are you sharing? Take some time to think about whether you are reacting or consciously contributing to that platform. It's a wonderful tool and like anything in itself it is a benign entity. It only becomes a force for good when it is used as one.



Weirdly enough as I was writing this I got a notification from facebook that it's been 10 years to the day since I joined! Before that I was on myspace, before that I was writing blogs on my own website. I have always tried to contribute, create and work from a place of service but I would be lying if I said I didn't, at some points, fall off the wagon hard. I invested in sarcasm, cynicism, outright anger at points and at the end of the day it didn't help me or anyone else around me. I did nothing other than perpetuate those ideas and feelings in my own life. I know I share a lot in these blogs sometimes, especially when it is in relation to my spiritual lessons and it is my intention to be honest, truthful, to show up for myself and for those who want to join me on this journey. I love creating and sharing and connecting with those in my community. I am always looking for ways to serve more, to generate more light and to really bring the vibration of love firstly to myself and to use whatever platforms I have to share that with those around me. So before you post/tweet/send think for a second. Is that helping you? Is it honest? Is it moral? Take some time and re evaluate your contribution, you may find more paths to love than you knew to look for.




Thank you for reading,



Big Love,



Ryan James x



p.s. Share the love!  

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