Get yourself ready.


Hello loves,



In the next ten days a mercury retrograde comes back into our lives and we sink head first into another healing phaze. Now at the end of this week I will be officially on holidays so I wont be able to guide you for the first part but as we all know by now retrogrades are phazes of deep healing. They bring to the surface anything that needs resolving or sometimes it just empties out what is no longer necessary and for some reason, we seem to be more energetically aware of the cleansing in this period. With this in mind I think some prep time is a good idea to get everything in place ready to be emptied and maybe even begin that process a little early so that we can sail through it a little easier. Now because of the emptying out process communication is always interrupted during these times and our capacity to make sense of our own thoughts is a little slowed. Don't panic, NOW is the time to make a start on any improvements to your meditation routine. I like to do my meditation straight after morning yoga but recently Stu has taken up meditating and is putting me to shame! I swear he does it 3 times a day now. Whenever he feels slightly out of balance he chucks his headphones on, listens to some soothing music for 15 minutes and gets centred again! So I think I may commit to an evening meditation too. The more silent my mind is the clearer the platform is for the Universe to work through me.



Improve your grounding, which for me means exercize. Anything that takes you out of your head and into the space of your body. Yoga, walking, dance, love making, tai chi, whatever gets you into the space of experiencing your physical body. I actually love cardio. I put some music on, slip into a dreamstate and 40 minutes later I'm sweating from my knees amd picking my lungs up off the crosstrainer...and I love it. My job is cerebral, my hobbies are creative and my downtime is basically reading books or playing in sketchbooks so the more crazy and intense my grounding routine the better. I used to love the gym and I still might go back at some point, if I can find the right space with the right trainer but for the next few weeks I'm looking at improving my grounding by adding weights to my routine and also adding more yoga. What small action could you take to improve your grounding? Remember when it comes to this stuff that I find it best to find something that you can do daily in the space of 20 minutes and then let it build from there.



The third part of my preparation is connection, which is basically improving community and working on creative projects that make me laugh or excite me. Being more open, saying “yes” more and using my downtime to lift me is something that I find helps keep me in a space of growth. As mercury retrograde clears everything out having people to talk to, reflect with and something that makes you giggle I think is invaluable. Now I know that I do have the capacity to lock myself away in my home and it's easy to get too tired to meet up with friends but a concerted effort to ensure that happens more would be perfect. On top of that I've been playing with the idea of making a small comic strip for a while and I always smile when I think of it so now might be a good time to dig in. Its nothing more really than an extension of my visual diary but it's a fun project that is not work related so why not! Do you have a project, a book, an artistic skill, a musical idea, a craft idea, anything that makes you smile at the thought of it? Now is the time to start actively playing with it. Prepare your energy for the cleansing so that once it's done you can raise yourself higher and go further and dig deeper than you would have been able to before.



How can you improve your meditation practice?


How can you improve your grounding practice?


How can you make more room for connection?



Have a great week!



Big Love,



Ryan James x



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