Happy Thoughts.


The biggest stumbling block that always leads me to falling head first into my ego is to take the things I love too seriously. I ALWAYS have to be mindful of turning the things that are playful and light in my life into something monotonous. I catch myself doing it all the time. This year I have decided to create more art and embrace that part of my life more fully which although is a lot of fun I have caught myself on many occasions “working” so hard at it that I start to naturally want to back away from it. It's that delicate balance between doing a job that you love and not ruining it by taking it so seriously that you forgot why you started it in the first place. This also shows up now and again in my spiritual work. I start to criticize myself or compare myself and in that moment I have to take a breath and remember that I am exactly where I need to be, doing exactly what I am meant to do and I remind myself of the moments when my work has made me feel alive. I think I've said it before but my favourite part of my job is a moment during readings when a client spiritually reconnects with their own truth. I can viscerally see a light go on in someone's eyes. It's like remembering a deep truth that you have overlooked. Whenever I feel out of sorts I reconnect with those memories and it puts me back in alignment.



The time to leave a job is when you can't conjure up any of those good thoughts any more. When you are depressed all day, angry all day or just not inspired, then and only then is it time to start taking physical action to change. Most of the time if you just change how YOU operate within that environment you'll find that the ground rises to meet you wherever you go. We have to constantly remind ourselves that life is meant to be enjoyed. Life is meant to be full of miracles and full of deep belly laughs. If you find yourself out of that energy then gently begin to remind yourself of the last time it was there. Don't look for when you lost it or when it went away, think about the times that made you smile. That will be the energetic invitation that invites more of those times into your life. One of the practices I used to do was a “Book of Happy Thoughts”. I used it as a part of healing my depression but to be honest I might reinstate it just because of how much that book made me laugh. I collected pictures and photographs that reminded me of the times when I laughed so much I nearly pee'd myself. Whenever I felt a big glum, or flat I would pick up the book and go through it and normally within a few pages I was laughing again.



Don't forget to play. You were designed to move though this world with a giant smile on your face but at some point we all forgot that it was our job to put that smile there. Your are meant to enjoy your time on the planet, enjoy your work, enjoy your family, friends, body, goals, dreams, ideas, all of it and it's your job to create that. Start by carefully selecting the best thoughts you have access to. Why not start your own “Book of Happy Thoughts”? Scrapbook the best times, cultivate happiness wherever you can. It's a cummulitive process. The more you connect with it the more you open the door to more of it in your life. How often do you play? How often do you laugh? How often do you dance for no reason? Sink into the wonder of what you are creating and see where it takes you. Remember to seek the best that every moment has to offer and that life is not meant to be taken too seriously. Enjoy it.



Thank you,



Big Love,



Ryan James x




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