How 15 minutes can change everything.


At what point do you say enough is enough? How often have you hit “the wall”? More importantly how often have you hit the limits of your capacity and kept going? I see so many clients who are permanently exhausted. So many who have just kept going long after they should have taken some time out to relax. Sometimes the patterning of relentless chaos gets so ingrained that even when there is a break in the clouds they can't help but find something to do. I've done this, I've lived this, it was not fun. Incarnating as a human being is partly all about playing with the idea of boundary. You are meant to have limits, if only to observe them as platforms to jump into something bigger and better. We often talk about limitations as a bad thing when all they really are is an indication to look within and check your internal navigation. Many moons ago whilst pursuing music I hit “the wall” but instead of taking time out to recognise what was happening I kept going. I dug in harder to the routine that I had created and just keep pushing way beyond what I had the capacity to endure. I exhausted myself, my creativity and my mind for a while and it took just shy of two years before I could even sit at a piano again.



I understand that it was a big lesson for me. I had lost sight of the joy of what I was doing and I needed time to reinvest in that. I didn't listen to what my own gut was telling me ( minly because I didn't like the sound of what it had to say ) and because of that I “bled” out energy all over the place. How much of this is familiar to you? Maybe you have different circumstances and are in a different phaze of something but how often has your gut screamed at you and you just carried on? I know some of you out there know what I'm talking about because you've sat in my readings room with me and have admitted it. When you are exhausted, when you are completely flat is when you need to be brave enough to do something you've obviously forgotten. You need to put yourself first. Not your hobby, your job, your family even. You need to come first. If you aren't looking after you then let's be honest you're no good to anybody. Self care is not a luxury, it's a mandatory part of being a happy human being. If I am stressed out or frazzled at the seams then I can't deliver what I am being paid to deliver. If I don't look after myself then I can't take care of the people in my life. You have to have a full cup for it to run over.



So what do you do when you find yourself in this exhausted space? What do you do if your routine demands so much of you that you feel like you barely have time to breathe? Thankfully the answer is simple and not that time consuming. It's meditation. Find 10-15 minutes a day to be in the space of internal silence. That's all you really need to begin. Every morning I put on meditation music and try to quiet my mind for 15 minutes. I don't always succeed, my mind wanders, I even find myself making lists sometimes with my eyes shut! When I do that I gently remind myself to focus again on my breathing and go from there. When you meditate you create a different relationship with time itself. You almost step outside of it for a moment and your mind is clear enough to see what needs to be seen. I think 15 minutes a day is achieveable for everyone. Preferably in the morning before the kids have flung themselves out of bed at you and before you run around the house getting ready for work just 15 minutes of quiet. Set a timer. Do no more, no less. Try it for a month and you'll see the results for yourself.



Thank you,



Big Love,



Ryan James x



p.s. Remind yourself that you deserve wellness.

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