How to deal with darkness.


 You cannot bring darkness to the light. You have to bring light to the darkness. You have a choice in every situation in your life to offer it over to Universal consciousness. No matter what is happening right now in front of you, you have the capacity to take a step back and let the light that is inside you enrich it and infuse it to the point where it becomes the best version of itself. That whole process will require huge amounts of personal strength, insight and the capacity to hold yourself accountable for your choices. I spoke in my blogs last week that I am currently going through some changes and in all honesty those are creating some unexpected bumps that I am learning how to deal with. I'm not all the way there yet. I feel like that new energy that I am becoming accustom to is pushing it's way through and it's uncomfortable. There are points where it has run head first into my ego and it's brought some issues to the surface that I didn't know were there. That's the point of evolution, especially in this context, it gives you the opportunity to refine and learn about yourself. At each point I am sitting back and allowing my light to shine into any dark spaces within me. The more I let go, the more light channels through me.



All growth requires compassion, forgiveness and objective analysis. Each new level of growth requires a new depth of each of these qualities. I feel this happening in my energy system right now. In some areas it's completely wiping me out, in others I am feeling more sensitive and more clear than I have ever been. In order for me not to fall pray to chaos and confusion I am remaining more vigilant than ever in my meditation practice and I am doing what needs to be done to self care. Right now as I write this I have the fire on and Oscar is by my feet. That little ball of fluff always knows when I need an extra hug or two. I know we are all changing on some level. We are all growing beyond what is in front of us but it's important to acknowledge that we are never disconnected from our own light. Even in the middle of pain, discomfort or rage our capacity to transform it is only a thought away. It starts with the capacity for gratitude and the ability to allow what is happening to take place without judgement.



Whatever darkness you are currently facing. If you have lost a job, lost a relationship, if you are in grief, in poor health then even in the midst of that you have the capacity within yourself to transform it. To use it to help push you forward into a different version of yourself. You are going to change anyway, “dark nights of the soul” do that to us whether we like it or not but the kind of change we sign up through those experiences is up to us. We get to decide whether something is just pure devastation and defeat or whether it is a rebirth. Choose to let your light be the force that powers your life. You get to do that. You get to choose. It wont always feel wonderful but it can help you to feel aligned with who you really are and who you are becoming. If you are knee deep in an experience that doesn't make sense to you then it's ok for you to let it go and make peace with the fact that it just doesn't make sense. Don't push against what is happening. Ask what transformation it is inspiring within you.



Thank you



Big Love,



Ryan James x

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