How to get un stuck!


It's often said that starting something new is the hardest thing to do. We are after all creatures of habit. Even if that habit is destructive you will often see people clinging to it. It's just a part of human nature to prefer the familiar. It's also the same reason that people refuse to finish things. Finishing something often means that you will need to take a step in a new direction and that fear often brings people to a complete stop. I've done this so often that at this point it's almost laughable. Which is actually one of the tools I use to move through it. When I catch myself playing “stand still” I do what I can to laugh at it. When you take it too seriously you just end up defending where you already are and inadvertantly staying there. I've done it before, it just doesn't work. I've sat there thinking, “Why am I doing this?” and so on until months have passed and I'm looking at the same life cycle in the same space over and over again. So what do we really need to do when we feel stuck? What's the best course of action when our lives feel like they are in a rut? Many moons ago I came across a piece of spiritual insight that changed how I look at these times permanently.



We all know that the Universe responds to our thoughts and feelings but what you might not know is that is that the Universe also often answers your thoughts and feelings too. It answers them by creating a space for the best of what you have asked for. When you are stuck in a crappy, dead end relationship, or a dead end job you are constantly sending signals out to the Universe to create something better. Not only does the Universe answer that call but it holds the energetic equivalent of it. Yes, there is literally a space in the Universe where everything you have ever asked for ( or it's energetic equivalent ) has been kept for you. Then the Universe does something indescribably kind, it actually sends out signals to you, it leaves clues to help you find that energy. We often forget the the Universe wants us at our happiest, it wants us at our most loving and kind because that's when we do the best work. That's when we step into the energy of what we came there to do so it makes sense for the Universe to create a space for that.



So yes, the best of what you are asking for is already created and is calling you towards it. This is crucial to know when you feel stuck because sometimes what keeps us stuck is the idea that we are going to have to work ourselves out of it. All we really have to do is get quiet and listen to our gut by moving through the world. I've said many times that your intuition is fluid. You will rarely get an intuitive hit by just sitting there and doing nothing, especially in the context of a life shift. So get up off your bum and move, take a small step in a new direction. Maybe even in the direction you think you need to go and watch as the Universe responds. She will tell you where you need to be and when. She will tell you what you need to do and when. She won't even scold you for not listening but she won't help you to avoid either. Stay light in your capacity of working with spiritual energies. It's all there for the taking, it's just finding that frequency that opens up the world for you. You may find more than one. Just move. Make a list. Take a step. Talk to a friend. Take a walk. Just get your body up and shifting through the world and listen to what comes back.



Thank you for readings,



Big Love,



Ryan James x



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