How to interpret signs.


Firstly, Thank you for the tonne of birthday wishes for yesterday! I am now the ripe old age of 37 and after spending my birthday morning in the dentists I am also finally done with all the surgeries and my teeth implants look spiffy. They are beautiful, big, bright and shiny new teeth and I have to reisist the urge to gallop through uplands like Seabiscuit! Birthdays do become a bit of a non event as you get older but this year I relished the day of relative peace and even found a moment for some quiet reflection. 40 is looming and it's freaking me out a little bit but what's obvious is that the older you get the less you care about the trivial stuff. At least I get to grow older and there are so many that don't have that privilege. There is so much change ahead of me and I am starting to feel excited about the shifts that are coming. They are nerve racking in all the good ways. The house move, the changes I have decided to make to my working life, the personal goals that I am re investing in and making new friends along the way are just the tip of the ice berg when it comes to what's in front of me. I can just feel good stuff on the way!



Today I wanted to talk a little about signs from the Universe. How to know what is a sign and how to interpret them. As you know me and Stu are house hunting and there have been signs galore. For instance we saw one house on Saturday that had a wolf door knocker ( a wolf is a totem animal for my and Stu's relationship ). Now on the surface that would seem like a thumbs up from the Universe about the house we were about to go into but the second we stepped in, as beautiful as the house was it just didn't feel like our home. The wolf symbol was actually a sign for me to pay closer attention to my intuitive energies and also to keep an eye on what is best for our relationship. In another house, the second I walked in I felt an overwhelming sadness paired with the spirit of the woman who had died in the property. Weirdly she must have had a son with the same name as me because littered throughout the house were post it notes with my name on. You really can't get more of a symbol than to walk into a house with your name lattered all over it! Again though, it wasn't a symbol to buy that house, it was to point me in the direction of what I was feeling so that I would trust that.



Interpreting symbols from a purely cerebral place is a wonderful catastrophe that the ego loves to dwell in. It's the type of spiritual interaction that is completely void of intimacy. When you engage your intuition in that space you can start to read the content that the message is designed to deliver. All signs are really only ever introductions to your own intuition. They all point in the same direction, inward. When you get a sign, a white feather, a silver coin, a wolf at the door, for me even foxes have a symbol link to my creativity, the first thing to do is look at what your intuition is saying to you firstly about the sign and then in the larger context of what you are currently co creating.The world around you is constantly languaging itself and you get to choose to dive into that or not. If you're not careful you can end up in a reactive state when it comes to symbolism and interpretation but if you play it right you will begin to see them for what they are. Gracious invitations for a richer perspective on your journey.



Thank you for reading,



Big Love,



Ryan James x


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