How to listen to your gut.


I wake up every morning, go through my normal routine, coffee, juice, sit with Stu and natter before he leaves for work and then when he leaves I sit down to do my tarot card for the day. I quiet my mind, pull a few cards out of a few packs and then I listen. It's hard to describe really, it's like the room is bigger than it should be. Like the walls are 6 feet further back than normal. The whispers of spirit start their chatter and I get a taste of the energy of the day. I really could write paragraph after paragraph about what I feel but most people don't have time like that in the morning. Plus I make it a personal mission to give utilizable information. I want to give a quick vision of the energy map of the day over so that both you and I can make the most of it. Like today for instance we are still feeling the energetic effects of the Solstice. This is a time when things start to balance out in your life and that can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on where your life is. For me I use this time to journal more and do some automatic writing ( writing without any clear intention, letting words fill the page, kind of like you see me do in readings ) to help me to download some insight into what in my life needs balancing. It's been a tough year so far and we are near half way through now so I got plenty of messages about self care, a heads up to something happening later in the year regarding my family and a taste of the energy for the latter half of the year.



All of this information came to me because I opened myself up to it. Now I'm not one of those psychics that believe everyone is a “potential” psychic. You either hear voices and see spirits, or you don't BUT you can train your intution to work in a similar way. We all have that gut feeling, the problem is we don't always know how to listen to it or pick it out of the din of a hundred other voices in our heads. There are a few techniques that can help you and I've mentioned them all before but the main one, as you guessed it, is meditation. I don't care how you meditate, you can sit there with a candle and quiet your mind or you can watch the sea, paint a picture, doodle, use a colouring book, curl up with your dog and a cuppa, there are no rules in that context. Do what you need to do to find a quiet space within yourself. Once you have found that and make time to repeatedly go there you will, over time, aquire a languaging skill for your intuition. That is the space I go to before I do my readings and it is available to everyone. Now you won't start seeing the dead, don't worry, unless they have a really important message to get to you it's unlikely they'll start showing up. But what will happen is that you will begin to root yourself in your instinct and in doing so you'll get insights both into your own energy and the energy of those around you.



I've had clients who have used my readings as a sort of resetting focal point for themselves. As a way to see whether what they are listening to within themselves is accurate. I don't mind how you use the reading and I've had many where I just seem to be confirming what the client suspects anyway. Once you start to really listen to your gut and more importantly, ACT upon that information then the more that process will benefit you and your life. You will start to trust it more. Like I've said many times, your intuition will be a better psychic for you than I will ever be. It's the language of your spirit and the access to infinite knowledge. A big part of psychic work is just to reflect that back to you. Now, sometimes we go so off course that we can't find that quiet space within ourselves easily. It can be arduous and seemingly time consuming. If you're in that space take the long approach. Bit by bit, piece by piece, day by day work slowly towards realigning where you are with who you are. Remember that the universe has your back and it's all working with your best interests at heart, you just have to get on board with what the Universe has in mind for you!



Thank you for reading,



Big Love,



Ryan James x



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