If God herself said...


I live a pretty spirit centred life, which, in my mind is the same as saying that I make a point to study joy whenever and wherever I find it. I spend time listening to trees, watching the sea, I make time to sit with my Stu before he goes to work and the first thing I do each morning is kiss him and then my dog, sometimes not always in that order! But even as privelidged as my life is it can fall into a lull. It can become routine in a way that feels a little monotonous. Now I am a person that needs routine, I prefer the familiar day to day ness of an ordinary life ( if there is such a thing ) but I also have a deep need to connect to mystery and miracle and the intrinsic ridiculousness that is this life experience we are all sharing. So in order to remain connected to that I have had to develop and invest in as many exercizes as possible. Meditation, affirmation, intention setting, poetry, all of these are spiritual dietary staples that seem to work for me but even these have their limits. They open doors to the bigger picture but sometimes I need that picture to be more specific. Sometimes I need details about what I am playing with in the universe and when those moments pop up I journal around or on a specific question.



If God herself could not say No to you, what would you ask for?”



This is not just about manifesting or goal setting. Try this exercize as a practice to explore what your desires are. Most of us would put down more money but why? Why do you want more money? Most of us want it because we think it will give us more freedom and more time with loved ones. But before you look at the reasons behind what you want just get it out. Put pen to paper. Treat that paper like a contract between you and God herself and imagine that whatever you put on it was agreed to. Play in the space of your own mind about the things that you want. Then, after that start contemplating the “why”s of the situation. Its in this silly but powerful practice that you can unlock the capacity to dream again because sometimes we get to bogged down by our day to day ness that we forget to. We forget to play. We forget to think about what we want to be when we grow up. We forget to acknowledge that no matter how well we seem to be doing that there is always something our spirit wants to play with. Acknowledge that and dive into it.



We are limitless beings and a while ago I might have said that what you ask for is always given. I don't really believe that any more. I think you attract into your life the sum of who you are. Which I know intellectually sounds similar but spiritually they are quite profoundly different. The Universe can and will say no to some of your requests and in time you'll be grateful for that. This process is bigger than the sum of it's parts and there are things in play that none of us will ever understand whilst in our bodies. We are all born with a passion for playing, we watch children do it naturally. They don't take the world seriously, they do jump from sofa to cushion, they do give whatever is in front of them a go and sadly as we get older we lose that and I don't think that's a good thing. Fight for that child like abandon within yourself. Play. Use this exercise to ignite the light in your heart and see where it takes you. We live in a Universe of plenty so step into that plenty and see what comes of it!



Thank you for reading,



Big Love,



Ryan James x





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