Know your energy.


I can feel the sweat begin at my lower back and my hands start to shivver a little. The pounding inside my skull almost vibrates the entire room and I reach for some tablets in fear that it might be the beginning of a migraine. They are the shit sandwich of my job. Hours of concentration per day for the last 20 years does take it's toll on the brain so there are times when the stress points show themselves. Migraines are strange and recently I've developed a new symptom which is feeling sick, almost vertigo-like. Thankfully I don't get them too often although I did, for about a year have them on a weekly basis. I would get through my readings and then be out for a day. Most of my time off was spent huddled in a dark room. The fact that my mind was able to pacify the pain for the duration of a reading to me signalled something. Maybe the migraines I was experiencing had an emotional cause? Now I truly believe that the body has a language of it's own and the more we learn to listen to it the more we can achieve some form of balance. Balance doesn't always mean incredible health but it can atleast open the doors to a new way of communicating with this wonderful machine that you are walking around in.



All illness in the body has en energetic cause. Of course it does because we are energy beings. We are expressions of light so it would take some real focus on the part of our minds to take us away from that. Unfortunately we are also pretty good at focussing. Sometimes illness is a sign post for a diseased way of thinking or feeling. Sometimes it's an indicator of something else. Sometimes it's protecting you from something even worse further down the road. It's all a huge tapestry that once you begin to open you really do find a whole world right where you've been sitting. There is no hard and fast way of deciphering how to get your way back to wellness. It all starts, unsurprisingly with you reconnecting with your inner voice. I know that when I experience a migraine that sometimes it's just a way for me to check out. It's like I need to be ill to give myself the right to sit down and relax. Now, when I do feel like a migraine is coming on I listen to my body and take a day to chill out. I've noticed that I heal a lot quicker when I'm kinder to myself.



Sometimes it also flares up if I go against my intuition. Like if I get a bad vibe about a client that I shouldn't be interacting with it but I choose my sense of duty of my intuitive insight then, yes you guessed it, the trickling of a headache begins. If you happen to be in a body right now that is not feeling good then engage with it. Maybe meditate and speak to the illness itself. What do you think this might be teaching you? Look at it symbolically, if you dreampt of this illness what might it mean? Our bodies can often speak to us metaphorically, sometimes it's in plain sight. There are no rules with this, it really is more of an art than a science but if anything I want you to understand that healing, real healing only happens when you engage the spirit, the mind and the body. It truly is a wholistic process. Get well soon!



Thank you for reading,



Big Love,



Ryan James x


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