Last blog of 2017!


 Although I have more writing to do this will probably be the last blog of 2017 and blimey, what a year it has been! I still havent' quite processed everything yet but I know a little time away from work will do me good and give me some much needed perspective. For reasons I can't quite understand this has been a challenging one. Energetic reserves have been on empty, the pain of the labour towards birthing a new life has been apparent. I have felt more battered and bruised this year and it has forced me to re examine many primary beliefs. Yesterday I sat with a friend and we mulled over the twists and turns of where we have been. I have ended this year in a new house, with a new smile sat with new friends and I couldn't be happier. I also can't ever remember being this tired! The Universe is always consistant though and I know that while one journey has ended another has already begun. I know that this new phaze in my life is also new soil for new things to grow. All I am focussing on right now is resting. I have a whole tin of Quality Street and I have managed to avoid all Stranger Things spoilers so that I can do a whole marathon in front of the telly on the weekend. This Christmas it's just me and my boys in our new home in front of our new fire.



I am casually planning my next year because as I've mentioned this year I have failed to complete any of my goals. Like, not a single one! I am not mad about it nor am I frustrated with myself because I know why and I have a little more perspective now on the whole thing. The great thing about failing in that way is the opportunity to re examine whether your heart is still in a project. Are the things that I am planning to do genuine extensions of my heart or am I just on a list-a-thon regurgitating things that I think I should be doing? These are all important things for me to mull over. More than anything the happiness of my day to day has to come first. I have to be the best version of myself for myself and in turn for the people around me. It's weird that since the move I can feel a whole shift in who I am. Nothing huge, just a relaxing into a more authentic version of who I am now. I believe everything is symbolic and a shift of residence has shifted a point of focus. I am getting ready to pluck more from the Universe and see what she has to bring me.



So as we round up the year it's O.K to spend a little time looking back. Pick up the lessons you've learned and check in with yourself to see if your life looks like you. Not who you were but who you are becoming. Make sure your plans include you. Not just your work, your relationship, your family or the million and one little things that demand your attention. Make sure you are showing up for you. The world needs you to have a full and present heart and you do too. Work on your body, the love you pour inwards and be sure to think about not just the goals you want to achieve but the kind of person you want to be. Where could you be better towards yourself? Where could you exercize more compassion? The more you turn that inward the more you are likely to express it to your community and to the world around you. If you buy into the media and marketing campaigns right now you might believe that we are in a hostile and divisive time. We're not. We are just at the end of one cycle and giving birth to something new. We've done this before. We know how to grow. So together let's take a new step.



Thank you for reading,



Have a wonderful holiday!



Big love,



Ryan James and Family!



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