Learn to listen.


We all know what it's like to get that sinking feeling in our bellies. When we are talking to someone and what they are saying just isn't making sense. It's strange how so many of us are trained into completely ignoring what our intuition says to us. I think sometimes that through teaching people social graces we educate people out of their own truth. It's only later that we seem to rediscover the conversation happening within our own body. The truth is that all conversations are many conversations. We don't just communicate through language, we actually experience each other on many spiritual levels. So, with that in mind when someone is lying to you on some level you know. It's just been so long since you've been confident in that knowing that you over look it. When two human beings collaborate in any small way on the planet it's like two songs playing at the same time. You'll know if a note is off, if they just don't go together or if they are in complete harmony.



I have said for a long time that the best psychic you will ever come across is your own insitnct. In fact I think a major part of my work is just bringing what you already know to the surface. In almost every reading when spirits mention something that would benefit you the client tells me that they've always wanted to do that or they've been concentrating on that recently. Your instinct is working with you and for you at all times. Sometimes it takes our entire lives falling apart for us to really be willing to listen to that inner voice. That's exactly what happened to me! These days a bad vibe, a weird feeling is enough to send me running in the opposite direction. I trust my instincts completely but keeping an open relationship with them is a practice. It's not something that just happens once. Every day through meditation and consciously learning to recognise that voice and most importantly ACTING upon it strengthens how it shows up in your life. Intuition isn't a gleaming sign that beams above someone's head. It's just a subtle breeze that passes through your spirit. If you are talking to someone and something feels “off”, trust it. If you are moving in a direction that seems random and out of sync but feels “right”, then just keep going!



When was the last time you listened to your instincts and it lead you to a wonderful and unexpected outcome? When was the last time you kicked yourself for not listening to what your gut was telling you? What do you think your instinct is telling you right now? What does it think about the people who are around you? Here's a quick exercize that might help, try intuitive writing. Those of you who have been to my readings will have seen me doodling and jotting things down as I go along. That's an extension of automatic writing which is basically me allowing my intuition to work through me and write what's most relevant at that time. Take some pen and paper and write without thinking for a minute or two. Really let your instinct take over and see what words spill onto the page. Start writing whatever thoughts are in your head and then just keep going. Don't let yourself stop. Write about your instinct. Write about the times you knew you were right. Keep going and do it regularly. Over time you will begin to learn the difference between brain chatter and intuitive insight. Good luck!



Thank you for reading.



Big Love,



Ryan James x




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