Learning how you learn.


I am completely right brained. This makes me creative, intuitive, people focused, goal orientated and most importantly I translate the world more visually. To simplify it, I think more in pictures. My fiance is the complete opposite in that way. He's left brained, scientist, sequential thinking, everything is logic and fact based. Basically he reads the instructions from Ikea and I look at the pictures! Figuring out how you work in the world helps you massively, I think. Thinking in pictures has helped me develop my psychic ability and fine tune my creativity in a way that being left brained wouldn't have. Stuart says that I am messy, I don't think so, I think my way of organising is just... “intuitive”! It's important to know things like this because when you hit the inevitable bumps in the road there are techniques that I use that free up my way of thinking so that I can loosen up and listen to the world around me. Most, if not all of the blockages I encounter in my life happen because I habitually stuck to a way of thinking that no longer serves me. Once I have identified what I've been thinking I then begin the process of working around it, surrendering it and growing from it and sometimes I use... spider diagrams!



Yes, the ones you used to do in school. The ones where you put a word in the centre of a page and then through word association you just let your mind ramble. I know it sounds simplistic but sometimes when I'm feeling stuck on something I'll do a spider diagram and it will just get me thinking differently. I think this technique works best for right brained people because it sparks a visual way of thinking. Once you have re ignited that part of you and told it to think of something different than the problem you are currently focused on your intuition can engage. Your intuition, as I've said many times is not a purely cerebral process. The Universe speaks in frequency, not language so you have to put that out there a little in order for it to respond. You can put it out there at the level of thought so long as you are willing to think a little differently. Change the thoughts, change the approach to your frequency.



So if you are having trouble figuring out what energy you are bringing to a situation go back to this simple old school ( literally ) technique and see if it helps you to unlock your thinking. I've used is recently when planning on prioritising what I wanted to do for 2017. As for you scientists out there I'm sure you already have clinical and clear lists of what you want and what needs to be done. What you lot tend to need is help with the big picture. The right brain is all about the big picture, the left is all about the details. If you are left brained, go make some spiritual artist friends, we're a friendly albeit a bit of a messy bunch! My right brained artists, go make some left brained friends, they'll make sure you won't lose your house because you've forgotten to pay your bills! Figure out which way you learn and find people who do the same but more importantly find people who learn differently. Aligning my energy with Stu's a little has helped me focus more than I have ever done. He has helped me to understand the different ways of thinking so much more, mainly because we think the same about a lot of things, in fact I think that we think the same we just do it from different sides of the brain! Don't just learn, learn about how you learn. It will free you and connect you. So, which are you? Left or right?



Thank you,



Big Love,



Ryan James x




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