Listen to your mother.


I love days like today where you can really watch the world come to life. The deep blue of the sea, the sky only lightly littered with clouds and the trees gently reaching upwards. The warmth of the world really fills your bones as summer awakens. As often as I can I get to the beach but this time of year it's so wonderful to have it on my doorstep. I live as much of my life as I can barefoot. I love this time of year when gentle breezes roll over my feet and I can feel the whispers of mother earth. This world is alive and conscious. This is one of the many truths I have built my life on. We often don't think of our planet as a living consciousness. Most times we try to forget about it. But just because we have tried to push this fundamental truth out of our minds it doesn't make it any less true. We don't just line on a planet, we live with it, inside it, we are a part of it's delicate balance. It takes an incredible feat of arrogance to act as if the world is ours to do so as we wish and yet, I can't help but see that all around me. We act as if we own the dirt under us, when in fact it's much more the other way round.



I also believe that the world speaks to us. I think that we are all part of an elaborate conscious network that, when we plug into it, can unpift our lives and reignite in us a connection that part of our truth. If Mother Earth were to talk to you right now what do you think she would say? How do you think she would regard you? How can you start to live more symbiotically with her? What do you need to do to have a more gentle interaction with the world around you? I don't really think that you can live a spiritual life and not in some way be an environmentalist. We recycle, we do our best to use what we have to reduce waste, we try to live a vegan/plant based life, all of this because we don't want to continue having such a negative impact on the world around us. Back in our pagan days we used to worship the earth. We knew her to be something conscious and alive and although I completely understand the reason we stopped doing that I can't help but feel sad that something truly magical was lost.



The planet is in trouble, we all know this, the problem is that we so often think that it's someone else who is going to fix it. No one is going to. No one is coming. It really is up to us to look at our own lives and begin to make the necessary changes to live in harmony with our planet. I'm not saying that we all have to start living like hippies but, we can start looking at what we are doing to create small changes. Is your energy supplier sourcing itself from renewables? Is your detergent harmful to the environment? If the food you're buying ethically sourced? It may not seem like you are having any impact on the world but a tide of change is really only a collection of drops moving in the same direction. Be aware. Be awake. Be conscious and alive. You don't have to do it all today but, seeing as your online anyway, look at what is the next step for you. Good luck and don't forget to share your ideas' below!



Thank you for reading,



Big Love,



Ryan James x



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