Making miracles happen.


Hello loves!



If there's something I want you to keep in mind this week it's that the world around you is magic. There really is a miracle waiting for you just around the corner, and by around the corner I mean in your very hands. The power of our spirits is never lost on me. One of the benefits of my job is that I get to see just how incredible people can be. The strength, the capacity to endure and most importantly the capacity to transform. We really all do have what we need right here with us. Our intuition guides us to the right information. The Universe lines up people that we need to connect with. Law of attraction brings you to the energetic equivalent of your own energy. The sum of who you are is what is in front of you. If you want your life to change, YOU have to change first. I guess this is where most people run into the first hurdle. More often than not we like who we are, we have gotten used to thinking what we think, feeling what we feel and doing what we do. That's why when we ask for a miracle or a little bit of magic it has a harder time showing up because we don't then step into our own wish. It's like asking to swim and then not jumping into the pool.



Whenever I feel guided towards creating something new in my life I always begin with affirmations. These are not prayers or wishes. These are carefully selected sentences that embody the energy of what I am creating. Once I have identified what it is that I want I then go about constructing the thoughts, ideas, energies and belief systems of a person who would already have what I am asking for. I see it almost like an acting role at first. It's not about lying, it's about finding and using your imagination to engage with the Universe. If your goal is to achieve job satisfaction then take some time to really think and digest what someone who already has that would be thinking. If you loved your work what would you feel? What thoughts would you have? How would it change how you treated yourself? How would it change how you treat others? Journal, contemplate, have a really good dig into the thoughts and ideas behind the personality that can create what you want. If you know of someone who is already doing what it is that you want to do study them. Really get into the mindset of someone who already has what you want and then comes the tricky bit...staying there.



Yes, we do live the sum of our energy but we also live the echo of who we used to be. The energy you are living right now is born of many patterns that you picked up years ago and let's be honest, most of them are wonderful. You learned to love unconditionally, care with all you have and you also learned to take care of your basic needs. You're not doing too badly! All of this Universal language stuff is just fine tuning. It's the icing on the cake. Sometimes though we also learn some stuff that isn't working. We sometimes have learned to take care of others at the expense of ourselves or, to not treat our bodies kindly or, to be scared of change. Imagine a courageous version of yourself. Imagine a successful version of yourself. Imagine a creative version of yourself. Imagine a married/in love/romantic version of yourself. Fill in the blank of whatever it is that you are trying to create and dont just work towards creating it, work towards becoming the person who already has it. THAT is the little nugget of magic that so often get's over looked. You really do have everything you need right there with you.



Thank you for reading,



Big Love,



Ryan James x

#psychic #swansea #psychicswansea #manifest #cocreate #magic 

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