Over to you.


This always happens to me. Me and Stu schedule our breaks in the year roughly every 3 months. We try to make sure that we pizza slice up the year so that we don't get overwhelmed but about 2 weeks before it's time for us to wind down we both go a little crazy. We are both ridiculously exhausted, a little ratty and I always seem to come to a complete creative stop. I have been thinking about this a lot over the last few days and I realise now that there must be a better way of doing this. I can't be in a position where I am running myself down every 3 months or so. I meditated yesterday and spoke to my auntie in spirit and I asked her why I was so tired, she responded bluntly, “Your job is tiring.”. I get that and I love my job but there must be a way to do it so that it doesn't cost me all this energy surely? I know in the recesses of my mind that there is a way through this I just need to find the right thought. I never really prepared myself for a job as a psychic. It was always something I knew I had to do in order to keep myself mentally balanced ( unused psychic energy is NOT benign ) but I never planned it out as something that would be happening daily so I'm figuring this all out on the fly. The blogs have helped me but I'm even questioning whether these are helping any more. I really feel like I am hovering over a thought that I am about to have to resolve all of this.



I know from experience that when you are on the crest of a change like this, no matter how big or how small the most effective thing to do is hand it over to the Universe. She knows more than I do and she is better at the details. As I write this there is a candle burning next to me with my prayer beads next to that as a symbolic representation of an “Over to You” moment. I can already feel the subtle magic begin to work it's way through my mind and ready me for the changes that I want to make. If you are planning an “Over to the Universe” type prayer there are a few things to have in mind. One is that when you ask the Universe to take over you had better be prepared for the Universe to take over. You have to root yourself in the understanding that whatever she has for you will come through you onto the planet which might mean that she has to get rid of a few things first. The second thing is go willingly. You can't invite change and then have a tantrum because you don't like the kind of change that is coming. So as soon as things start moving begin to treat them like gifts to unwrap. No matter how climactic or cataclyzmic the shift is treat it with compassionate attention.



As wonderful as my life is I am ready for it to move in a new direction. I ready to be a better version of myself. Physically my life may not change much, then again it might turn itself on it's head, that is no longer up to me. I am just going to do my very best to look with deep unrelenting gratitude for whatever shows up in front of me today. And then I am going to try and do the same tomorrow and the day after that. Over the last few days 3 leaks have sprung up in my house and I know spiritually that our homes often reflect our minds. Something is trying to spill out of me, I am “leaking” energy and however or wherever that is I am ready to face it and deal with it. But right now my only job is to see what's right in front of me and do that. At this moment that is writing this blog, then I will write a prayer, then I will walk my dog, then I will confirm my clients for next week and then I'll have dinner. All the while I will be keeping an ear to the ground, looking for signs, symbols and things to be grateful for. I will do my best to meditate, seek the best of myself and remain as mindful as I can so that when the Universe asks me to move in a certain direction that I do it.



Thank you for reading,



Big Love,



Ryan James x





P.S. Read this far? Why not continue the conversation below?! Are you ready to hand your life over to the Universe? How do you practice gratitude? Share your insights and your heart below!

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