Relaxing your energy.

Don't forget to soften. Soften your energy, soften your relationship to yourself, soften your love, your light, all of it. We are sold strength in a package that is toxic. Yes, there are times for us to hold ourselves to an ideal of stern but after what we have all collectively been through, now is a time for softness. It's in being soft that we access flow, it's in being pliable that the universe can work us to a richer version of who we are. I'm not talking about being passive here. This isn't an invitation to check out of what's happening. It's an invitation to bring your life a gentler, kinder energy. 


You don't have to be strong all the time and strong doesn't just have to mean one thing. Softness is strength. It's an invitation to open yourself to the workings of your own spirit. I love bringing gentle energy to my work, to my clients, to my home, to my family and relationships but recently I have seen where I haven't been bringing it to myself. Being “Strong” in the way I have been shown it is actually really depleting for me. It wears me out quickly. I burn out. It leads me to a place where I am constantly emotionally braced for impact which leaves me numb, tired and unable to do the work that I love to do. When I started to be gentler, softer, kinder, weird things started to happen. 


Surprisingly I actually became more productive. Because I wasn't going against the grain or bringing “attack/defend” energy with me I just floated to the things I loved doing. I've written more, painted more, sung more, and deeply enjoyed these expressions in ways I haven't in a while. I think, like most people I confused softness with weakness but, it's actually something else. Softness is just a deeper openess to your own light. It's just taking the time to bring extra love to who you are. This means taking the time to let your good enough's be good enough. It means not being cruel to yourself if you're finding something difficult. If you're struggling to create a new life path, let go of an old one, create new love, let go of toxic love, put up boundaries with family and all of the millions of things that create bumps in a human life. It's O.K to not have it all figured out. It's O.K to let it take time. YOU are your job. 


Start today by being gentle. Give yourself the room to do the things you did as a child. This week I have had a one man dance party in my living room to 90's music, I've made art, written poems and sang songs. There are many huge and important things I need to do within my life but arriving at the start line of those challenges completely exhausted doesn't help me or anyone else. When I show up heart-soft and loving, I've noticed that it's more likely that people will rise to that space too. So what do you need to do to soften your relationship to your own energy? Maybe start by giving yourself more time to get things done. Give yourself more room to create. Give yourself the space you need to fully unwind. 


These are just a few ideas and I'm sure if you spend some time on this you can find something that points you in the direction of your own energetic home. You really are doing way better than you think. Soften yourself into the flow of the Universe. 


Big Love 


Ryan James x



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