So, who's labrador was it?


 So last night I was rudely awoken at about 1 in the morning by a nudge on my arm. I woke up to find a golden labrador at my side wide eyes and tail wagging. Now you all know I love dogs so my instant reaction was to reach out and give him a smooth and then I remembered that I owned a collie not a lab... I opened my eyes fully and recognised that it was a spirit animal. Yes. Animals have souls and anyone that's ever loved one will tell you no different. Now sometimes spirits will turn up a little while before clients. Quite often on a Sunday night when I am planning my week ahead a few spirits will show up excited to connect and share with their relatives. A spirit dog is a new one on me though, especially in that context. It's probably for one of my clients and thankfully he hasn't followed me to Costa's this morning. I remember having a conversation a while ago with a lady in a book shop about animals having spirits. She told me that anything that can dream has a soul. Her son studied insects and she asked him whether ants slept and when he said no she concluded that ants had no spirit. That's where I started to disagree. Now don't get me wrong I am no ant enthusiast but I didn't like the idea of a heirarchy amongst living things and spiritually it just didn't ring true.



The truth is our “soul” is not as concerned with boundary as we are. We like to think of our spirits as singular object but in essence they are part of a much bigger tapestry. That extends to all living things. It extends to life itself. For as long as there have been mystics they have been saying that we are all one and this is, to put it simply, what they have been talking about. We are not just one species, we are one soul, one spirit expressing itself in a multitude of fascinating eruptions. I know that might sound a little much on a Monday morning but it's the reason to root who you are and what you do in compassion. It's not just that what you give out comes back to you, it's that hurting someone else really is hurting who you are. If you hurt your right arm your left might not “feel” it in a literal sense but it still responds to the injury. All life is connected and it's all interconnected. We are seeing more and more of that as our species develops. With the invention of the internet we now feel what happens on the other side of the world and that can only be a good thing.



So when you move forward into your week remind yourself that everything that you are seeing is an extension of you. What you hurt, hurts you and vice verse, those that have hurt you are only hurting themselves. Love them anyway because you might be the spiritual immune response they are in dire need of. It's all a wonderful collaboration when you really think about it and nothing, NOTHING is lost. And nothing is better than the other. We are all equal. Equally brilliant, equally loving, equally kind and we are all eternal. It's true that some connections feel a lot more intimate than others and that's O.K but ultimately at our hearts you have the capacity to love the entire world with the same ferocity as you love your family. Who we are as a species is evolving to that space I believe. We are starting to see beyond the boundaries of our front doors and looking at the world as a human family. The more we do this, the more we will create balance. The more we do this, the more we will enact and actualise kindness in a way that honour who we are at our core. And we deserve to live in that world, we really do.



Have a good week.



Thank you,



Big Love,



Ryan James x



p.s. Please spare a loving thought for all of our furry and feathered friends today.  

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