Start your week right!


Let's begin this week the right way. Let's build the foundations for a good day. I think that if you start right then even if you go off course you can more readily realign to where you want to be. The retrograde is over and as the fragments of psychic “dust” settle let's remind ourselves of the path we are on. You are here on this planet to play with the energy of pure joy. You are here to dance along the boundary of form. The idea of your human shape paired with all the beauty that surrounds it can become launching pads for deeper understanding and more vibrant experience. You are NOT what it says on the tin! When you wake up in the morning you step from one dream into another. Mystics have been saying it for as long as they have had the capacity to. We are all dreams playing with the idea of being awake. All that we experience is the tip of the ice berg. We all take it so seriously that we forget it's sacred intention. When you look out into the world you can decide which pieces of it get to make up who you are. What calls you? What was placed inside your heart before you got here?



As we begin this next week I want you to think about how you can pro actively go about cultivating a new sense of community around you. How can you deepen already existing friendships? How can you create a family atmosphere wherever you go? What can you do to inject some enthusiasm and life into your day to day environment? Creativity, Variety, Mastery, Connection, Love. These are the founding blocks of contentment. I need all of them to keep me sane. The one that I still sometimes actively have to work on is connection. I can close myself off from people, become overly monastic, I lose people along the way but I am challenging that now. These last few years I have made myself actively open my heart to new friendships and to do what I can to show the ones I have how much I really love them. It is terrifying to be vulnerable sometimes, whether it be a friendship, a relationship, starting something new at any point is frightening. When I get scared of that I remind myself of the truth of every situation. That I am an active dream. That I am one with all mankind, with all manifestation, with life itself. My fear is simply a sensation to let me know to be aware of my awareness. If I am at one with all life then all I am is scared of myself and I find that so silly that it encourages me forward.



Remind yourself that you don't just have a spirit, you ARE one. You are the substance of everything around you. You are energy, light, matter and all the pieces in between. You can choose to walk through your day completely cut off from your own magnificence or you can dance your way through it. See it for the game that it is. Play. Laugh. Reach out to the people around you and find ways to show them how wonderful they are. Even if they are not ready to hear it yet, hold that space for them. You may be the only person in a long time who is brave enough to do that for them. How can you help? Where can you inspire joy? If you day was a canvas what would you want to paint on it? Telling a friend how much you care for them, buying a co worker a cup cake, making time for a friend you havent seen for a while, reach out by remembering what you are. A vessel of unrelenting love.



Thank you,



Big Love,



Ryan James x



p.s. I have a new vlog up if you're interested! Follow the link to your right!   

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