Stuck in a rut already?


Yesterday was supposed to be “Blue Monday” which is a day of the year that is known for people feeling sad. It is statistically the day when most New Years resolutions break and the come down from the excitement of the holidays hits home. We're back, back in our routines and back in our lives already hurtling through another month. I have to be honest I didn't feel anything yesterday other than a little more tired than normal. My reiki kept “switching” itself on at random points but then I am healing myself so I can see why that would be happening. Facing the year ahead can feel scary especially if what you are facing fills you with dread, boredom or complete apathy. Be honest, do you feel stuck? Are you in a rut? It happens to all of us from time to time and it's easy to slip into. I try to avoid it by giving myself challenges as often as possible. Sometimes those are creative, sometime they are health based but more often than not they are short, sharp and rarely run over the 100 day mark ( I secretly love a 100 day challenge ). This year as I have mentioned before I already have some sort of challenge lined up for every month of the year. I picked my favourite and have already started.



I think its best to do bits and pieces on a daily basis. Now you all know that I write a poem every morning as part of my spiritual practice. I started it a year or so ago and it feels right to have accomplished something, however small it is before I've even really started my day. The word we are looking for here is progression. Part of the structure that makes us happy as individuals is to give ourselves a sense of mastery. It's the idea that we are getting better at something, progressing in any way possible. Sometimes that sense of progression is not available to us through our work. Sometimes we are in a dead end and so quickly we can begin to feel lack luster about our lives. I remember when I worked in a call centre. I was only there for a few weeks when that feeling of dread began to creep into my gut. All day every day listening to people complain ( I was on the faults line ) was not fun. I only lasted there 3 months but I learned quickly then that I needed to do something every day to make myself feel sane. I decided to draw something every night when I came home. When I worked in the Sheep Shop ( gift shop at the bottom of High St ) one Christmas I used to keep a notebook in my back pocket to write down ideas for short stories I was writing at the time. Yes, sorry if my old boss is reading this I actually wasn't that obsessed with stock taking I was writing a fairy tale story about a butterfly!



My philosophy is always “little and often”. If you are feeling stuck you can do one of two things. Remain that way and complain about it which, let's be honest, you're going to do a little bit anyway and I don't blame you. Or you can ask yourself the question, “What can I get better at?”. Why not kill 2 birds with one stone and choose a creative expression? You don't have to completely overhaul your life you can just add a little something. For instance after I write this blog I will open my sketchbook and spent 20 minutes on it. That's been the addition this year. 20 minutes of sketchbook work every day. Some days I will do more, some days I don't get to do as much but every day I put it on my list as a reminder that it is to be done. I deserve time with my own thoughts and sketching helps me to do that. I've already done more art than I had by this time last year and I feel more like I am getting somewhere. Take a notebook to work if you have to, instead of scrolling through your phone on your break doodle! Aim to do a little something every day, knit, sew, practice, write, paint, draw, learn an instrument, a language, anything, Little and often will lift you out of a funk and get you more used to a sense of progression. Let that light the fire that further down the road you can turn into a roaring flame!



Thank you,



Big Love,



Ryan James x


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