Surrendering the last year.


Hello loves, 


Now is the perfect time to begin the process of deeply transmuting the energies of this last year. Transmuting is all about surrendering the inessential, shedding energy that isn't in alignment with the truth of who you are. It's been a bit of a strange and intense year. If I'm honest I've kind of been using this year as a dress rehearsal for things I want to do in a few years time. I've done nothing but ground myself over and over again in the curation of a life that feels like home. Part of that curation means taking time out regularly to free myself of any spiritual or emotional imbalance that I might have picked up. 


I cleanse my house with sage and incense almost every day. As you can imagine I get a lot of spiritual traffic so I like to make sure that the energies you lot bring to house leave with you. But I'm also clearing space within myself. I am reminding myself of my own light, my own presence in my own space. Transmuting is just a deep remembering of the power of who you are. It is reminding yourself that you are bigger and more connected than any situation you find yourself in. 


Take some time, make a ritual out of it and release the year that we have had. The good, the bad and the ridiculous. Let it all go. It has passed through you and you have hopefully picked up what you needed from it. All the innessential, bless it and yourself with as much gratitude as you can. Call your angels. Burn pieces of paper. Light incense. Get your crystals into a space of clear energy. Surrender. Keep repeating until you feel at home in your own body. Then do it once more until you can feel at least the beginnings of an invitation to joy. 


You can do this. 


Free yourself. 




Big Love, 


Ryan James x

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