Tapestry of Compassion.


We are all energy beings. We are one being of infinite light expressing itself in a million different ways. One is not better than the other. When spiritual texts say that we are all one, they don't mean one species or one culture, they mean one being. That being is evolution itself, it is the constant reaching for new life and all of it's expressions. There are no boundaries, only the idea of them. Death is nothing more than a line in the sand. That is not to say that the idea of boundary, identity, solid matter are not important but I think it's also important to recognise that it is only part of the story. You are both an evolved ape of a chunk of rock hurtling through space and a being of incredible power manifesting your reality into digestable chunks called “moments”. We are raised with one side of the equation. To see our bodies and the touchable, dense matter of our experience as the be all and end all but this really is just the veil. There is so much more beneath the surface. Most people instinctively know this at a root level and spend a lot of their lives trying to argue it out of their own minds. But, what if you didn't? What if you were raised to consider the life force energy of the world within you at all points? How would that change your life?



One of the doorways to this light is compassion. Compassion is actually an expression of our interconnectedness. I look out at the world we have created sometimes and I am scared at how little compassion is exercised or how it compartmentalised. Once you truly embrace compassion you can't be selective about it. Compassion is learning to love all human beings for where they are right now in their experience and committing yourself to helping when and where you can. I know that for some people the idea of compassion would have you believe that you need to open your life, your wallet, your soul to everyone who wants a piece but that's not the case. Like I've said many times sometimes the most compassionate thing you can do for someone is to love them at arms length. How you exercise compassion is always built upon the love and care that you exercise within yourself. How do you talk to yourself? Would you talk to someone else the way you think about who you are?



So right now, looking out over the landscape of your life what is the most compassionate action you can take? Where could you be helping those around you? Where could you be uplifting yourself? You don't ever gather light and hold onto it. It's a fluid substance that is channelled through you. The more you open your heart up to it the richer and more vast it's flow through your life. The more you have the more you instinctively want to reach out and help others. When I see people who have a lot fighting with themselves within the energy of greed, which is only another shade of fear I pray that they reach inside their hearts and learn to be gentler with themselves. In doing so they may open a door to their own love and in turn begin to recognise it in the world around them. When you operate with love, when you choose to see it in people who can't yet see it in themselves, when you choose to see it in people that have actively tried to hurt you then you ground yourself in an energy that is part of the tapestry of compassion. Choose for better for yourself and for others. Love despite circumstance and love because of it. Let compassion be your guiding light and watch as it elevates you.



Thank you for reading,



Big Love,



Ryan James x





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