The day after.


Yesterday we spoke about rock bottom. If you haven't read that blog then take some time to give it a quick skim because today my blog is going to be focused on what you do the day AFTER rock bottom hits. The tear stained faces, the exhaustion of crying all night, the rage, the confusion, the million unanswered questions that clutter up every corner of your mind. I know all of this and I know it well. I've been through a few of these life “resets” to have developed the skill set to deal with them. Once it hits the first step is to dive head first into prayer and offer your life over to whatever your concept of God is. If you want a life bigger than the one you've got then it makes sense to offer it over to something bigger than you are. It is a process that has worked for me. You don't need to do any rituals or throw yourself on the floor of a church, you simply have to have an extremely brave and courageous quiet moment where you say to the Universe at large, “Over to you!”. This is the moment that so many spiritual books and texts focus on, just getting you to that point. But then what happens the day after? What happens when you've made the choice to give control of your life to the Universe but the next day you still need to go to work and feed the kids. That's when one of the greatest lessons I've ever learned starts to come into play. Trust.



Your instinct will be to dive straight back into the chaos and fix it but that's like giving someone a job and then butting in and doing it yourself. So the day after just relax. Sink into the space of your spirit and know that everything is being taken care of. Become curious about what you are experiencing without taking the experience personally. See it as a puzzle that the Universe is untangling instead of a problem heaped on your shoulders. Go day to day. Step by step. Each morning the sun rises and you get a whole day to do with as you choose. You may have made commitments to a job or to a family but the energy you bring to that space is something you get to decide every morning. You can walk through the world with a smile and a heart full of love or you can crash, bang and wallop into everything you encounter. That has always been and will always be up to you. I'm not saying the day after you husband leaves you that you're going to want to try and skip through fields of grass singing ( or maybe you will! ) but what I am saying is that no matter what emotional state you find yourself in that you have the capacity to make the most of it.



I personally think that prayer or meditation in some form or another is mandatory, especially during times of transition. So find a space every day to sit with your own energy and just keep an ear to your spirit. As the Universe takes over and sorts your life out she might have a little job for you to do here and there. If you are deep in crisis what she will have for you might be bigger. She might ask you to leave your partner, to quit your job, to start saving for the dream. She might ask you just to sit down and hold on as she does all of those things for you. She might ask you to let go of the pain you have been carrying and she might ask you to forgive the person who hurt you the most. These are all things that you have to be at the very least willing to face during these times. It's not to say that they will all happen but you have to trust the Universe enough to know that she knows more than you do and is better equipt to handle it. So during times of complete catastrophe don't look at the big picture, it will be too much and too overwhelming. Just look at the day. Look at what can be done and really, really listen to the direction your spirit wants to take you.



Thank you for reading,



Big Love,



Ryan James x



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