The Devil Within,


No matter what we do, where we go, how we change, how we evolve, each step forward comes with a struggle. Not the struggle of just moving but the struggle of releasing the story of who we thought we were. We call it the saboteur. The part of us that seems to want to mess up everything that we are moving towards. It's a good thing to be aware of it and to study what it brings to the surface. It's the voice that tells you that you aren't good enough, pretty enough, talented enough. It's the voice that tells you that there's no point in trying, to give up, to with hold love, to invest in power plays and ego based arguments. It's sole goal is to perpetuate itself. This is because for all the glamour and grandeur that we give the inner saboteur it's still just the ego. It's our tribal story. It's our inherited pattern. It's who we tell ourselves we are rather than who we have the potential to become. It's bedfellows are fear and apathy. The more you hear negative brain chatter, the more you know that you are in the grips of the person you were but there is a silver lining to that. The more desperately you inner chatter tries to perpetuate itself the more you have the capacity to change it. In fact, if this voice within you is getting louder then it probably is already being challenged, that's the reason it acts like it's fighting for it's life.



Become an observer of your thoughts. You are not what you think. You are also not what you feel. Both are reactions to the stories that you tell yourself. Both are expressions of the soul that is living you. Right now there is a part of you that is aware of the fact that you are reading this. There is a part of you that is commonly called “the silent witness”, that is watching you think, feel, live and delighting in the experience of it all. The more you learn to connect with that part of yourself the more you learn that you are not the life that you are living, you are the force that's living it. I know, I know that's a little deep for a monday morning but there it is anyway. Let's start our week knowing that no matter what it is we have to face that we are a part of it but not necessarily of it. The more you connect with this silent witness part of you the less you are effected by the things going on around you. You see life for the movie that it is. You see through the veil and into the magic that is interwoven and the bedrock of all that expresses life.



You are going to experience conflict in your time on this planet and the way to survive that is to remember that you are not what is going on around you. Shift your identity to one that is based on your soul, not your personality. The inner saboteur will tell you that what you are going through is important, it will tell you that people, places and things are important. It will tell you that money, fame, external beauty is important and it will draw everything it needs to you to back that up but it's not the whole truth. Another truth is that even though those things seem to matter culturally, there is a bigger story at play. One that says that life is a canvas and we get to play. I've said many times that we are both the evolved ape hurtling through space on a giant rock and an expression of light indulging in the idea of reality over and over again. Don't just live your life, surrender to the essence of it. Stay in the quiet space of the light that is watching you live.



Thank you for reading,



Big Love,



Ryan James x



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