The fire within.


There is something inside of you that is bigger, brighter and stronger than any situation that you face. We are all part of this wonderful tapestry and if we are brave enough to look within then we can not only face what is coming but also sometimes even sway the tide. We live in a culture right now that not only supports but rewards victims. I have unfortunately come across too many people who are happy to sit in the middle of a mess and revel in it. We all know these kinds of people, the ones that love to be ill, the ones that love to sit and spread gossip about others, the ones that find any excuse to remain an emotional infant. People use anger, injustice, apathy, rage as excuses to check out of their lives when in fact they can be the launch pads to sink into a richer experience. I firmly believe that no matter what situation you find yourself in that there is something you can do about it. Even if that something is to find a way to soothe yourself until it passes. No matter how small, no matter how devastating an impact might have had in your life you still get to choose what to focus upon. That's where change begins.



I read a long time ago about the “miracle man” Morris Goodman. A man who was paralysed after a plane crash leaving him unable to breath unaided, with his only means of communication being able to blink. He set his mind to work and in an unprecedented amount of time he was able to walk, unaided out of the hospital. Now that is a remarkable story and I am a great believer in magical thinking but I'm also aware that life is not as simple as thinking positively to change everything. The point is that when all else had failed him he took what he had left, which was his mind and made the most of it. Not only made the most of it but challenged himself to a little bit more each day until eventually he could function. Now most of us are not in that dire straits but we can still take the lesson and apply to ourselves. We can still check ourselves for our own version of victim syndrome to see whether it is playing out in our lives in any way. Sit for a moment and ask yourself which parts of you may be stunting your growth? Is there a part of you that will sit down and whine about how terrible things are rather than become pro active in the middle of it?



There is a small part of that in everyone, let's be honest! To not have it would be to say to yourself that you are without fear and the only people without fear are sociopaths! The point is to ensure that this part of your mind is not dominant. The point is that you recognise that your soul, your spirit is more powerful than anything that you face. The point is to see that you have a fire in you that can envelope anything that you encounter and make it your own. We are all adults here and we all know that life won't always go the way we expect it but that's not to say that we can have ownership over what comes our way. Once the initial shock of change passes look to what can be done rather than what you have lost. Look to the change you can create rather than what you feel was taken. Use what you have to make your life as good as you can. You get to do this. You deserve the best you can reach for.



Thank you for reading,



Big Love,



Ryan James x



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