The sacred silence.


Yesterday morning I slowly stretched up out of bed to welcome in the new year. Long gone are the times when I would be hungover from whatever party I had gone to the night before. I don't miss them! Lately I have preferred to welcome the year in quietly. Sometimes a few friends over and sometimes just me and the boys. The house was silent yesterday morning besides the fire crackling and it's heat brushing up against my back. I got my journal out and began to write. These quiet times are sacred to me. It's not about planing, working or creating it's simply a place where I can feel the magic in the air and there was definitely so much of it about yesterday. A new year feels like a new slate, a new start. It's a wonderful tool to use as a setting point for working towards making a life for yourself that really want. I woke yesterday feeling so blessed and I am glad that that was the first feeling of the year. I actually said a quiet “welcome” to the sun as it rose and thought about all the wonderful adventures I have planned, all the faces I've yet to see and people I've yet to meet. In these sacred silences I feel so connected, so whole and perfectly content.



I also feel this sacred energy sometimes at night. Always when I am up alone and always when the house is quiet. It's like the day itself is happy to meet you and I love thinking about it that way. Today is calling for me to prepare, to go ease myself into this new year. I feel a fire in me that I have been longing to reconnect with and when I think about my year ahead I am excited. I know that there are going to be some bumps, I even know what a few of them are but for me forewarned is forearmed so I am preparing to do what needs to be done to make the most out of the situations that arise. That's all we really can do. Last year was so traumatic for so many people on so many levels that now we have to be more connected and expressive of our authentic selves. We need to redefine and stand by the boundaries of our integrity, our dignity and our humanity. There were times last year when I began to take life a little too seriously but the world has enough people already doing that. The world needs my Joy and yours too. Yes, we have some things to clean up culturally but we have a choice whether we react to it as a heavy burden. Let's bring love in at the nucleus of our lives and see how that transforms not just what we work on but how we work on it.



Before we really get stuck into this year I want to remind you of your strength and that's a word that often gets misunderstood. It's often seen as the capacity to endure when it fact I've always seen it as having the will to transform. If you look at the pattern of your life you don't have to look too deeply to see the pain that took the wind out of you and the moment you decided to own it and become a better person as a result. We have all learned by now that what we lend our energy to, what we react to, has a greater sway in our lives. Basically what you pay attention to, grows. So what are you paying attention to? What aspect of the world are you seeing? We can look out at this huge landscape we are seeing right now and become terrified. We can draw the curtains and just check out OR, we can see it for the wonderful opportunity that it is. We have the capacity to create world where we put the moral before the monetary. WE CAN DO THIS. It starts in our homes, with our children, with our actions, with how we conduct ourselves in work and how we love our community. There is so much beauty in the world to be enjoyed, let's keep enjoying it and ensure it for the next generation. Find love, create love, exact love and become love.



Thank you,



Big Love,



Ryan James x




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