Trying something new.


We all have to cast a wide net when we are younger. We are figuring out so much about ourselves at that age that we bring a willingness to try as much as we can. Somewhere along the line we lost that tenacity as the world and everyone in it expects us to “choose” a path and stay on it for the rest of our lives. Whilst it's true that the benefit of that time in our lives is selecting what suits us most we forget a fundamental part of our being. Your spirit is an expanding entity. Each day you are on the planet you are gathering information and deciphering what suits you next. Also with human beings being so wonderfully inventive there's always something new to try. I think that's the part that saddens me most about watching some people just shut up shop with their personal development, its losing the willingness just to have a go. Some say it's because of fear but personally I think most of it is habit. Once we start to see ourselves as completely “grown up” we stop diving into the tapestry of expereince. I have to admit that I fall into this habit too. There are definitely areas of my life where I have become a little “gun shy” but that's part of the magic of having a new year on the horizon, I get to look at my life and see which area's need uplifting and which need surrendering.



I think the problem with having habits based around a denial of experience is that so often we don't know that we have the ability to ask for something new. We almost condition ourselves to accept what is around us. That's why so often we hit these bumps in the road on our journeys, to wake us up, to help us to remember the truth of who we are. I met with a darling friend over the weekend and she has been through an amazing transformation. Her life completely “fell apart” and by fall apart I mean fall into place and now she is the happiest I have ever seen her. Pain often brings with it a need for brutal honesty but what I would like to point out is that you don't need to blitz your life to wake up to the truth of who you are. That can happen slowly, bit by bit. There have been moments in my life when it's all fallen apart so fast I had no other choice than to listen to the little voice that is inside all of us to guide me. I see the beauty and the grace of those experiences but they are so often a little dramatic for my tastes. I have learned that there is a different grace in a slower more incremental growth. I have worked towards achieving all of the results of the “life burning” moments through daily contemplation and personal acknowledgment.



So it's hard to ask for something from the Universe when you don't really know what to ask for so here's a little tip...ask for EVERYTHING! I often do. I ask for surprises, enlightenments, ideas, places to visit on the planet that would inspire me and always the Universe delivers. The thing about our spirits is that we are connected to and born from an all knowing entity that is expressing itself through us constantly. So even though we might have inflicted a ridiculous type of “stockholm syndrome” upon our own views of our lives we are still part of a much more expanded view of ourselves and the world around us. We don't have to know where we are going we just have to be ready to take the next step. So explore, have more fun, revere the ridiculous. Your tenacity for your own joy is needed right now in the world. So whilst you are compiling your lists for the things you want to do next year why not create a list for the some personal qualities you'd like to take on board. Be an adventurer, explore, have more fun and do what you need to do to ensure that you remain open to trying new things!



Many thanks,



Big Love,



Ryan James x


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