What are your dreams right now?


So the night before last I dreamt I was in a slap fight with a red haired dwarf and last night I dreamt that I was being stalked by a black wolf whilst acting as an undercover spy. Suffice it to say I have weird and wonderful dreams. I've come to expect them now as my brain downloading the psychic “free radicals” that I pick up in readings. Our energies are so connected during that process that I absorb a fair bit. If any of you have seen me do the medical intuitive portion of the reading I actually feel your physical pain mimic'd within my own body. Not fun for a moment but at least mine passes as soon as that part of the reading is done. But today I want to talk about a different kind of dream. One that is a collaboration of your life experiences and fueled by the purposeful intention of your spirit. Some of you have very clear missions whilst others get fleeting moments of clarity but tend to live in an explosive curiosity driven pattern that leaps from one breadcrumb to the next. My life is a mixture of the two. Sometimes I am very clear about where I want to go and then I grow to a new space and all of a sudden I find myself not really interested in the things I was before. I seek clarity of dreams for the sole purpose of using them as launch pads into the next.



I suppose my main goal, the one I am most clear on is that I want to build a life that is joyful. However that takes shape around me I don't really mind. As most of you know by now the only boundary of my life is “Love is Welcome” and that paired with a desire for joy brings with it a whole host of opportunities for fun. I have to admit though I have developed some bad habits over the years based solely in fear of instantly rejecting some opportunities. I've been made aware recently of just how much fear has played a part on my journey. It's like a pandora's box. The more I recognise it the more a whole bunch of crap spills out and I am seeing it's roots and causes. Recently I've been dealing with perfectionism, a very hoity toity form of fear. It's narrative keeps me in a state of comparison, feeling unworthy and stops me in my tracks before I get started. It's very much a case of “Well they do it better than me so why bother!”. It's been a real surprise to find this still lurking in my subconscious but I'm glad I stumbled across it. The more I know about what's running in the background of my mind the more I am able to change it.



When you begin to seek your dreams, really, really seek them expect to come up against things like this. The whole point of your dreams is to help you expand into a bigger and brighter version of yourself and the second you do that you'll find what was keeping you exactly where you are. I'll give you a clue, it's ALWAYS fear. In one shape or another it will show up in your life and tell you to stop exactly what you're doing, go find a blanket and hide under it until everything goes away. I've tried that, doesn't work! Your best bet is to face it head on, admit that you are scared, admit that what you are doing is making your knees quake. Fearlessness is often pursued as some sort of exalted attribute in spiritual circles but the truth is courage, really courage is acknowledging your fear. As Susan Jeffers once said, “Feel the fear and do it anyway!”. So what's holding you back at the moment? What form or shape does fear show up in your life? Inaction? Procrastination? Self doubt? Chaos addiction? Constant business? Find how fear operates and expose it. Bring it to the light of your conscious. The moment you do you will begin to liberate yourself and in doing so set you and your dream free.



Thank you,



Big Love,



Ryan James x




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