What calls you to the Universe?


I notice it more when it starts to become a chore. My mornings are very routine to me but in all the good ways. I get up, make the bed, shower and dress, have a cuppa with Stu before he leaves for work and then it's time to sit down and get myself ready for the day. This is when my spiritual practice comes into play and by that I mean the habits I have adopted to allow me to connect to not just a bigger picture of my life but also the being through which it and I are created. It's a way of kneeling before the Universe and asking what it needs of me today or what I would like to happen. The problem that I am seeing with so many people investing in a spiritual practice is that it's not really benefitting them. It not a “give to get” type process. The Universe doesn't reward you for meditating every day, meditation ( if you are doing it right ) is the reward itself. Now I recommend that everyone have a practice in the mornings and yes I do recommend that you start your day with it. It should be something that calms you, awakens you and makes you feel centred. For me I tend to keep my practice fairly fluid, it's the feeling I am looking for so as soon as I stop feeling that and the whole process starts to become an effort I stop and find something else.



During the summers I love a walk on the beach early. It puts my mind in a calm state, or a walk through the trees in any of the local parks. For the last few years I have found poetry to be a huge benefit to me. I write a poem most mornings and have collected more than I can count already. I do lots of different forms of meditation, painting is one of my favourites but all of them are platforms for me to welcome light into my life. Winter is wonderful for journalling in front of the fire on a cold morning and agood cuddle with the dog is always a light filled meditation. I know in many of the self help circles “leaping” into your day, “attacking/owning/crushing” the time you have available is all the rage but I've tried it and well, for me, by 2 o clock in the afternoon I'm ready for a nap! I like to ease into my day. I like to take my time, have my coffee, stretch my bones ( I'm recommitting to my yoga practice ). I wander the house, potter around and gather my thoughts before work starts. Most of my days are really productive but a big part of that productivity is bringing my own sense of self to any goven moment. So if I need to rest, chill or ease myself into that space then that's what I'll do. I know some people like to exercise first thing and I did it for a while but it just wasn't sustainable for my lifestyle. And well, it didn't connect me either so it defeated the purpose.



The point is to reach the feeling of synchronicity or at the very least to leave yourself open to it. What do you do to connect? What is your form of prayer? What is your form of meditation? What might you enjoy doing in the morning that puts a smile on your face? Dont' just fill your time and tick a box. Make this time sacred. If it feels like a chore then it's the wrong thing or just maybe the wrong thing for now. I used to have set rituals, set prayers that I would do each morning but one morning I found myself planning what I needed to get in the shop later whilst doing it. It's at that point it's time to let it go and find something else. The whole point of a spiritual practice is to deepen your connection with the Universe and her language. It with enrich your intuitive connection and most importantly evolve your understanding and access to the love that you are made from. Starting the day like this puts the ego in it's place as the story teller of your life leaving you with the rest of the day to be completely enamored with the story itself.



Thank you for reading,


Big Love,


Ryan James x





P.S. During this retrograde it's the perfect time to upgrade your practice. Try something a little different to get you through!  

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