What I learned from chickens...


I remember years and years ago when I worked on the chicken counter in Tesco ( yes I was a vegetarian at the time too ). It was a hot, sweaty job and I went home most days smelling of animal fat and grime. I didn't mind it though, at 16 it was as good a job as any and it put money in my back pocket for serious things like drinking, piercings and dying my hair bright red. On this particular day I had put by a chicken for a little old lady who didn't make it in time for the greedy rush that always used to happen every 2 hours on the counter. I wasn't supposed to put them away but she was always so kind and asked about my day and what I was doing with my life. Because there was a limited supply of these chickens I often saw how people would push in front of each other, sometimes aggressively and more than once the queue got a little lippy. I didn't want anything to happen to this lady so I snuck one behind the counter before the rush. When she got her chicken she looked me straight in the eye and said “Bless You.” and I swear in that moment I felt the meaning of her gratitude. A wonderful energy showered around me and I remember it to this day. It's the reason I began blessing based habits, to invite that energy into which ever space I am in.



So, what actually is a blessing? A blessing is an invitation to invite God/Universe into a space. I know it sounds a little strange. How can the universe invite itself through it's human aspect into itself? It's a conundrum I get it but that's a whole other conversation about free will. The point is blessing your life, on a daily basis is like opening the door to divine loving energies consciously. It is a welcome mat to uplifting streams of light. It is one of the many active spaces of prayer. Every day I wake I bless the day ahead. I'm also in a routine where every time I leave my house I ask for the blessing of the angels to watch over me, my family and my home. A blessing is asking for divine light to shower over us. This is why we bless children and people in crisis. It's at that point we acknowledge divine intelligence. Too often in the prayers we create for ourselves we try to “govern” the energy to go in a preferred way. Sometimes that's a good thing but sometimes we are brave enough to admit to ourselves that we don't always know what we are doing. So we ask to be blessed. We ask for infinite intelligence to shift our lives to where we are best used in the world. We ask for divine light to be shone where it is best used in the world.



A blessing is a real thing. It's a gift you can give to yourself and to complete strangers. There are times in our lives where we can physically interact and uplift a situation but there are also times when we feel we cant. It's at those times you have to rely on the power of blessing a space to open a door. Sometimes for you to walk through, sometimes to let someone else walk through. Blessing your day lines up all things in all spaces. It opens up ways of thinking which opens up ways of creating which is the same as saying it helps you welcome yourself to a new you. Work a blessing of sorts into your morning routine. Work it into your prayers or make a little prayer up to say when you leave your house. Light a candle and ask for someone to be blessed. It's an invitation to magic and miracle and one we all have access to. Take time today to work on blessings and how they operate in your life. Recognise the blessings you already have because you are already living the end result of the doors that were opened for you without you even knowing it. Take a breath and from my heart to yours, bless you.



Thank you,



Big Love,



Ryan James x









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