What is a promise to you?


When on the path to creating the life you want you will always, ALWAYS come to a point where you are tempted to leap off it. You may think about packing it all in or subtly destroying what you are creating. This is always born from an idea that you are not worthy of what you are creating. Do not confuse it with the Universe undermining what you are creating, that's normally only done when what the path you are on is not an authentic expression of self. The Universe has great trouble perpetuating lies, even unintentional ones. So what do you do when you find yourself at a point where you can feel yourself actively self sabotaging? Firstly I advise you to take some time to relax and get yourself out of the chaos and then it's a good idea to take a look at what you are trying to create. Remind yourself why you are doing what you are doing in the first place. Do you want a better life. Do you want more time with the people you love? Do you want more money/financial freedom for you or your family? Re align yourself with these questions to get to the feeling place that inspired the desire for change initially.



After that is all comes down to how good you are at keeping promises to yourself. Are you worth your own promise? Recently I have been tackling ideas of will power and self forgiveness. My will power is actually O.K but I find that when I try to achieve something through sheer force of will I do get it done but it normally costs me more than I am willing to give. I end up feeling exhausted and emotionally depleted. When I try to actualise something in my life I have found that self forgiveness has to be a much bigger player on the field than will power. Through everything we create there is a time when we walk the tricky line between critique and criticise. That is when self forgiveness will save you. You have to sometimes be O.K with what you are creating not being perfect in that moment so that you can move on to the next. Just love yourself enough to know that what you are working on might just be the first draft, the first version of itself. Just do what you can without lashing out at yourself and keep going.



I've also discovered recently that it serves me best to remind myself of the kinds of promises I keep to myself. A promise is an emotional contract. We all know the difference between someone saying that they are going to do something and someone promising that they are. Promises engage us at a deeper level which is why it hurts so much when they are broken. I made a huge promise to myself a long time ago that everything I do in my life will be born out of or live up to the standard of love. If it is not loving, it is not welcome. Sometimes I begin to edge off that path and I have to remind myself of the promise I made. If I can't keep a promise to myself then how can I expect to uphold that sacred contract for others? Take a little look today at the promises you have made to you. Take a look at where you are self forgiving. Take a look to see if you are genuinely critiquing your life or criticising the crap out of it. On your path these things will need to be explored so that you can not only have what you want but fully enjoy it when it arrives.



Thank you,



Big Love,



Ryan James x




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