What is needed next for you?


I say it every year, actually I think I say it in some way shape or form every day and well, today isn't going to be any different. Compassion is spoken about all over the Christmas. This time of year seems to permit an openess and kindness that can sometimes feel lacking during the rest of the year. This time of year we make more room for charity, more room to keep an eye on the elderly and our neighbours and of course more time to share our heart with our nearest and dearest. Each year I take Oscar on his walk on Christmas day while Stu takes care of the dinner and I am constantly greeted and smiled at on the day. Then a week later, once new years has passed everything returns quickly back to sideward glances and being ignored. I wish we could extend what we do on that day to the rest of the year. I wish we would practically apply our compassion in the same way as we do on that day all year round. I do get the magic of this time of year, it is a reminder of what we are capable of achieving. I see so many wonderful acts of kindness this year that it can be inspiring. We remind ourselves about family and we seek to put smiles on our childrens faces. Imagine what we could achieve as a species if we did that all year round?!



I am also quickly coming to the end of my working year and I get to catch up on some much needed sleep and sink into my creative room. I have already started to review what I got done and didn't get done this year and I am also going to review where in my growth I hit the limits of my compassion. Where did I fall short? Where did I exceed my own expectations? Where in my life does forgiveness need to be added to the mix? I am lucky that due to the way I have constructed my life that there doesn't need to be any major overhaul to my day to day, at least as far as I am aware but there are some areas where I have been less than kind to myself. There have been some areas where instead of slowly growing into the person I am becoming I pressured myself into the image of who I thought that would look like. There are times when I self criticzed when I would have been served better to forgive myself and I am uncovering some deep rooted fears that I know I am only scratching the surface of. If compassion is to be my sword and shield I need to at first allow it within myself, for myself.



I know that I am on new ground this year and that the level and depth of compassion that I am going to need will far exceed what I have needed this year. I am also going to look more keenly for active expressions of it to see where that can take me. Where am I needed most? Who needs my prayers today? Is there someone I can invite up? There is a lot to get through and a lot of personal healing that needs to happen but I am going to ensure that it does happen. Compassion is the active space of love and love is a fluid entity. The more room you make for it the more it can fill up your life. I am ready to see where this new journey will take me and I can't wait to see how it will elevate my life and the lives of those around me. Where in your life is there room for more love? Where in your life is there room for more compassion? Where in your life is there room for more forgiveness? Find your boundaries, find your wounds, and infuse them with compassion towards the self.



Thank you,



Big Love,



Ryan James x





p.s. Sorry the blog was late today, I wanted to get my xmas shopping done early!  

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