What needs your attention?


One of the most difficult things to do for our egos is to identify a problem without identifying with it. We all have areas in our lives that need work but our egos tend to look at the world through the lens of a hierarchy. Success/failure, doing better than/worse than no matter what problem or puzzle you have in your life it takes a dedicated attention to self awareness to not get caught up in it in a way that doesn't promote healing. We have all had that moment after a break up where we know within ourselves that it's time to shake it off and start moving forward. We also all know someone who is still lamenting a break up ten years after it was over. There comes a point where have to choose whether to identify with the pain and therefore opening up the door for it to become a part of us or we move through it and onto the next thing. This is all the more important to remind yourself of when looking at ways to improve your life. Yes there are areas in all of our lives where we would like things to be a little different. It doesn't make you ungrateful for what you have, you're just ready for the next step. The trick is to identify the problem without beating yourself up for having it in the first place or using where you are as a means to compare yourself to those around you. Where you are is where you are and that's just that.



Now as most of you know every Sunday I sit and connect with myself to organise my week. I try to get centred and calm which lately is becoming more and more tricky. The energetic mapping of the western world is becoming increasingly chaotic as we collectively begin the process of waking up to certain parts of our culture. Many of you will have felt that mental business amplify with anxious and depressive behaviour manifesting as a result of that. As a spiritual community we have to be all the more vigilant in creating peace. So how do we peacefully begin the process of improving our lives? There's actually a simple technique I sometimes use. It's a journaling technique but I've found it helps in keeping me connected. I draw circles on a page and label each one of them as a section of my life. I “pizza slice” everything. Work, health, relationships, friendships, well being, family etc. Then I ask my intuition to show me which part of my life/experience needs some light. It's that simple. I start to doodle, think, write, journal and you'd be surprised how many things turn up as a result. Light wants to be expressed and it wants to be expressed through you so the only real resistance to it is giving yourself the time and space to welcome it.



Try this later on today, the energy of the day will soften this afternoon so your thinking will be clearer then. Maybe you already know which area of your life needs that extra light? Either way sit with this idea for a little while, maybe you'll find a better way of using it that works for you? Spend time consciously thinking about being a vessel for light for your own life. Your cup cannot run over until you fill it right to the top. Once you've identified what area the light is flowing to allow your intuition to guide you to some solutions. All prayers are instantly answered by the Universe, we just have to get into the space of light to hear it. Remember that you deserve the best version of yourself to show up. You deserve the right to dream and to pursue those dreams. You deserve to love who you are and to share that love with the world. You deserve to laugh from your belly and smile with your friends. You deserve the right to open the door to all that life has to offer you. Start with light and see where it takes you!



Thank you,



Big Love,



Ryan James x




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