What's really in your house?


I remember the first time I walked into the flat. I wish I could say it was an entirely wonderful expereince but there was just something else going on in that space and I felt it the instant I crossed the threshold. It felt like a residue over all of the walls, like someone had scrubbed them with fat from a chip fryer or some sort of slimy soot. As soon as I walk into any new place this familiar, subtle dance begins. I felt the energy of the place creep up towards the boundaries of my mind. I intentionally made myself a little more open that day because I knew we would be seeing a new place and I wanted to check my vibe on the whole thing. I noticed a spirit in the hallway, a kind but stern gentleman. It was where he was happiest so he had decided to stay in that time space. He didn't bother me but we noticed each other none the less. As I walked through the space I placed my hands on the walls and whispers of rage, alcohol and suspressed energy filtered through my consciousness. I knew a woman had lived there previously and it had not been an entirely happy space for her. Yet throughout this whole experience I knew I would live there and I did for 12 years.



Everywhere we go we leave an imprint of ourselves. The more heightened our emotions the stronger the imprint. It's not always negative. For instance when Stuart and I bought our current home the vibe here has always been lovely and calm. I would also like to think that when we leave here we will leave a part of our love for the next person to enjoy. But there are times when that imprint is overwhelming, like the time I stayed in a 400 year old cottage in Cornwall! There was also a house I did readings in that used to be a hospital for sick children. As you can imagine some of these places are soaked to the bone with memories and grief so when you stick a sensitive like me in the mix there's no way I'm not picking up on some of it. To be honest most people will, at some level, feel the energy of the home they are creating. Right now as you read this the walls around you are soaked with energy. What you feel is normally dependant on what you are most aligned with but for me I just don't like to take any chances. I cleanse a space before I unpack a bag. Even on holidays I ask the angels to prepare the room I will be sleeping in so that I can properly relax.



In every space you go into good or bad it is beneficial for you to assert yourself as the dominant spiritual energy. Sometimes places are just blurry parts of the time line, sometimes there are memories replaying themselves over and over. There are no rules when it comes to energy in this aspect. Extremely rarely there are genuine hauntings and they need a little more of a shove but mostly a gentle rebalancing of energy is all that's needed to put yourself front and centre of your own home. Smudge sticks, salt water, burning sage, bay leaves, call the angels, there are many ways to create an equilibrium. It can be a little more difficult to keep a balance in public spaces like offices, schools and hospitals but that's when you have to spend more of your focus on maintaining your own energy. Keep a grounding crystal with you ( jasper, hematite, smoky quartz ) and see if that helps. The world around you is alive. It is a collection of everything that has gone before you and everything that is coming. Learn to listen to it, learn to find your space and as always trust what you feel.



Thank you for reading,



Big Love,



Ryan James x




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