What world do you live in?


 When creating a new anything there are going to be labour pains. Even if the Universe has told you in no uncertain terms that you need to go in a particular direction that doesn't always mean that that particular direction is going to be easy. I used to think that if the Universe wanted me to do something that it would always make a way and while that's true sometimes the the way in which the Universe opens doors is through you. You just might be the hammer that breaks the window that needs opening to let new air in. I trust in the ebb and flow of magical thinking. I trust that sometimes there are moments when the Universe wants you to follow but there are also times when the Universe asks you to lead. We are not just here to fulful assignments by the divine. We are here to play and enjoy and of course find new and exciting ways to express love. When you find yourself inside a life that feels flavourless then that's the time the Universe will send you chaos as a way to get you out of it. I have received many kicks up the butt in my time and learning to recognise the difference between me opening a door to something that doesn't belong to my energy and a hint from the Universe has been a saving grace. I don't always get the distinction. I sometimes try to close the door on what the Universe is bringing but, she always finds a way to get her message across.



We are all guided all the time but the freedom of free will let's us choose whether to listen or not. We really can make a good mess of things if we choose to and to be fair I have had a good go in my youth! Thankfully now I have enough systems in place to alert me when I am going too far off course. A good spiritual practice, selective friendships and little pockets of inspiration that I visit from time to time help. I collect reminders of the big picture, of synchronicity, of absolute wonder anywhere I can find them. Artists, songs, books, people, places, I have mental lists of things that remind me that I am loved and that I am a part of something bigger. That is what creates an environment that reminds me to be open and teachable for the universe. When you are more pliable the universe can use you to make what needs to be made through you. You can exist in that space that is pure co creation itself. You become in alignment with service, with purpose and of course with love.



It was Albert Einstein who said, “The most important decision we will make is whether we decide if we live in a hostile or friendly Universe.” and that's where I live. I function on the principle that no matter what is happening it is happening for my eventual benefit. So no matter what turns up at my door I examine it and look at how this can benefit me and maybe those around me. When you look at your life this way you learn to seek the lesson rather than fall victim to victimhood itself. There are things happening in my life at the moment that feel truly bracing and I am only at the beginning of unravelling them but I know in my heart that it's all working out for me. I have a wonderful man at my side and a gorgeous bundle of dog at my feet so at the end of the day not too much can go wrong. So when you look out at your life do you see a world ready to attack you or a world ready to uplift you? You get to choose. You get to decide if the world is an invitation to greatness or a scary monster ready to leap out at any moment. Which have you chosen? Which do you choose now?



Thank you for reading,



Big Love,



Ryan James x



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