Who else is offended?


If the focus of your identity is external then you are always going to find things to feel enraged, sad, and reactive to. If you make WHO you are WHAT you are then you're in trouble. Our ego can only understand the quantifiable so it needs to external world to attach itself to. It's the part of you that says what religion, skin colour, economic group etc that you belong to. However your spirit understand that we are not just more alike than different but that we are actually the same entity expressed differently in a billion shades of life. I know that might seem a bit much for rainy Tuesday but the more I am looking out into the world at the moment the more I am seeing people losing their minds over things that they have complete control over. I think we are living the repercussions of our “cotton wool” culture. We have a whole generation of adults without the emotional coping skills to deal with life and it's challenges and so they are reacting. Safe spaces, trigger warnings, professional victims, we seem to have people falling over themselves to find things to be offended by. They have forgotten the two words that can transform any and every human experience, PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.



You have the choice, at ALL points in your life to choose to feel better. You have the choice to make a situation your own and sculpt it within your own heart. The ego would have us believe that we need to change the world in order to make ourselves feel better. It would have us believe that if we police how people speak and change the world in which we live into a giant childrens ball pit that all will be right in the world. But we now know that that will never be enough for the ego. It needs and actively seeks power exchanges. It would sit there in the giant childrens ball pit and discuss whether the green or red ones were the best. It's just a part of our nature that we need to be aware of. It has an appetite for the salacious. When you recognise that you begin to own it instead of it owning you. When you hold to the truth of your spirit you can no longer be fully taken over by the trappings of ego. You can and often will feel them but they will never again have the power to decimate your life which is the same as saying it will no longer be the ruler in your head or heart.



Looking out at the world can be a scary thing if you're looking at it through the lens of the ego. We hear it all the time, “The world has gone mad!”, “Everything's broken!” and through the lens of the ego you are right and the sad fact is you always will be. The ego can't see it any other way. It has to perpetuate the external. The truth of the situation is that the earth still turns, the sun still rises, you are still a powerful creator of worlds, you are light, you are aware, you are the awareness of your thoughts. This is the same today as it will be the day you leave the planet. The only power people, governments, industries have over you is the power you give them. The capacity for a more minful and spirit centred life lives in your hands. If you want to change the world first, change yourself, change your life. You can't preach love to the world if you can't say it to the faces of those who share your existence. You are a vessel of peace. Use it. Choose to be it.



Thank you,



Big Love,



Ryan James x





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