You live inside this....


You create the world you see. When it comes to how the Universe works for as long as there have been mystics and those tuned into the flow of how the world is created they have all said variations on the same thing. What you put in you get out. Do unto others. Karma. Dharma. Law of Attraction. It's all a variation on the same theme which is that the energy you hold within somehow physically changes the world around you. I have been studying this since I first came across it at 16 and even with all that I have access to I know that I have only scratched the surface. This is why I focus so much on health and well being when it comes to my work because the more good energy you generate within you the more your life will rise to match it. There is also something else at play when it comes to how the world around you self actualises and that's something that I have hit opn since the beginning of my studies. The world around you is not only rising to meet you it is also a conscious living and thinking entity. For lack of a better phrazing you don't need to believe in God, you exist inside of her.



What's more, the entire universe, the intelligence that we are literally built out of is doing it's best to elevate who we are to our highest expression. So, I understand that some of you might read this and think that it's a little suspect. I get it. It's hard to believe that you are a piece of actualised God in human form when you are heartbroken, have a runny nose and your rent hasn't been paid. Last night I was rudely awoken by some kids letting fireworks off gone midnight, at those points I am not really feeling at my highest expression although the language that come out of my mouth was pretty expressive. Life often does not look like or feel like we are sacred manifestations of divine light but, we are. The way to access that feeling more often is to learn it's language. We need to learn to behave in a way that the world around us can respond in the best expression of collaboration. This is done primarily through energy and how you choose to maintain it. Yes, the energy you hold within you is the language through which you ask the Universe for what you want. You can sit there chanting, making vision boards and casting love spells left right and centre but if you feel lonely, a deep penetrating loneliness that is dominant then that's what the Universe brings you. I know this because I tried it!



This is why I try and nudge people in the direction of falling in love with their lives. The more you send light and intention inward the more what yo uwant comes to pass. Even though for months I could feel like my life was changing to accommodate a partner I remember 2 weeks before I met Stu feeling so happy with what was around me that I no longer cared whether someone showed up or not. And the rest is history. I know that when I want my life to alter that it has to begin with me. I have to act, think and more importantly FEEL my way into the space of where I want to be and then express it. It is like a giant game in a way. You want more money, do what you need to do to feel more rich. You want more love, be more loving. You want more success, feel more successful. It's just how it is. You can't create a peaceful and wonderful life if your inner world is chaotic. Listen to what the world has to say. Watch out for the signs. There are plenty. Create silence enough to listen and honour light wherever it shows up for you. Take a breath and begin.



Thank you,



Big Love,



Ryan James x



p.s. You are wonderful! 

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